18 Words to use with tributes

On each side of the body, just beyond the gills, it has a dark spot, which superstition asserts to be the impressions of the finger and thumb of St. Peter, when taking the tribute money out of a fish of this species.

It is their obligation to ascertain the correctness of the tribute lists presented to them for their examination and signature by the chief of the clans, by carefully comparing them with the registers kept in their own department; and also to certify the general returns, without which requisite the statements transmitted by the chief magistrates to the accountant-general's office are not admitted.

The Azamoglans, tribute children, farre surmount that number, for that they are collected from among the Christians, from whom betweene the yeeres of sixe and twelue, they are pulled away yeerely perforce: whereof I suppose those in seruice may be equall in number with the Ianizaries abouesayd, at three aspers a day, one with another, which is two hundred fourescore and fifteene thousand, sixe hundred and fiftie pounds.

The tribute missions brought tribute but, to begin with, this meant an obligation to give presents in return; moreover, these missions had to be fed and housed in the capital, often for months, as the official receptions took place only on New Year's Day.

We tune our harps to sadness, And songs of sorrow sing, And to the Father's altar, A mournful tribute bring.

"When all that we perceive below, By land or sea, by night or day, The past, the future, and the flow Of present times, their tribute pay.

Then, from 1004 onward, came the tribute payments from China, strengthening the interest in the maintenance of peace.

He is the true taxer who "calleth all the world up to be taxed:" and the distance is as vast between him and one of us, as subsisted betwixt the Augustan Majesty and the poorest obolary Jew that paid it tribute-pittance at Jerusalem!His exactions, too, have such a cheerful, voluntary air!

What thronging fancies crowd upon the soul, As from these heights the Giant Stream we trace, And wander with its waters as they roll From hence, to their far ocean dwelling-place Marking its birth in this bleak frigid zone, Its conquering march to yonder tropic shore, The boundless valley which it makes its own, With thousand tribute rivers as they pour!

These, as the miner explained were the outward and visible signs of the world-famous 'Old Stick-in-the-Mud' claim, which was now giving two ounces of gold to the ton of quartz, and which was at present the exclusive property of Mr. Crinkett, who had bought out the tribute shareholders and was working the thing altogether on his own bottom.

As month after month passed, and no tribute-ship arrived, the Bey's threats grew louder and more frequent.

But who the God to whom we bring The earliest tribute song can treasure? Him, first of all the Gods, we sing Whose blessing to ourselves ispleasure!

[Tribute burdensome.]

The last, and greatest grievance, we engage; To her grim Death appears in all her shapes, The hungry grave for her due tribute gapes.

He is to make the next step in advance for Germany and bring more tribute home, if all Germans will be loyal to him.

Mouth of all sweets, whose sweetness sips Its tribute honey from all hives, The sweetest of the sweetest lives, Soft flowers and little children's lips; Yet rather learnt its heavenly smile From sorrow, God's divinest art, Sorrow that breaks and breaks the heart, Yet makes a music all the while.

As such we loved, admired, almost adored, Gave all the tribute mortals could afford.

The tribute payd by the Christians his Subiects is one gold ducat yeerely for the redemption of euery head, which may amount vnto not so litle as one Million of golden ducats, which is sterling three hundred threescore thousand pounds.

18 Words to use with  tributes