21 Words to use with turpentine

To the right, along the distant river-bank, were visible here and there groups of turpentine pines, though most of this growth had for some years been exhausted.

But as the turpentine industry had moved southward, leaving a trail of devastated forests in its rear, the city had fallen to a poor fifth or sixth place in this trade, relying now almost entirely upon cotton for its export business.

It was a noble mast, though, while it stoodand you could smell the turpentine blood in its heart to the very last.

I wrote to a cousin who had gone into the turpentine business in central North Carolina.

Thus, the vessels containing them are often very large, as the turpentine cells of the fir tribe, in all the species of which these secretions abound.

I have been into the lumber-yard, and the carpenter's shop, and the tannery, and the lampblack-factory, and the turpentine clearing; but when at length I saw the tops of the pines waving and reflecting the light at a distance high over all the rest of the forest, I realized that the former were not the highest use of the pine.

Men with turpentine clothes, or rags, on; women chewing snuff, etc., etc.

If possible, throw up a warm turpentine clyster (two tablespoonfuls of oil of turpentine in a pint of warm gruel), or, if this cannot be obtained, one composed of about a quart of warm salt-and-water and soap.

In the flush turpentine days following a few years after the civil war, he had made money.

I liked the farm so I left the turpentine farm.

They was working in a turpentine forest there.

Red shafts, green roof, and here and there a pane of blue skyneither Owen Jones nor Willement can improve upon that ecclesiastical ornamentation,while for incense I have the fresh healthy turpentine fragrance, far sweeter to my nostrils than the stifling narcotic odour which fills a Roman Catholic cathedral.

9Effect of turpentine gathering on the timber of longleaf pine.

Their sufferings were somewhat relieved at last, by the use of a bud, which is described as "full of turpentine matter."

They went off in a small yawl, with turpentine sides and bottom, the inside painted with a mixture of tar and red lead.

When laying your wines down in bottles you should never use new deal saw-dust, as that causes it to fret too much, and often communicates a strong turpentine smell through the corks to the wine.

As these turpentine spirits did not inebriate him, but only inflamed his intestines, he well remembered the burning quality of my favorite physic, and cautioned the rest from ever teasing me for any physic I had concealed in any sort of bottles for my own use; otherwise they might be sure it would spoil them like the eating of fire.

From the window uncle Wellington looked out upon the familiar cabins and turpentine stills, the new barrel factory, the brickyard where he had once worked for some time; and as the train rattled through the outskirts of the town, he saw gleaming in the moonlight the white headstones of the colored cemetery where his only daughter had been buried several years before.

Somebody had put a turpentine barrel in the skillet that hung at the top of the beacon-pole on Beacon Hill.

"I came out with one of my cousins and went to Georgia (Du Pont) following turpentine work.

Some of the most common insects attacking the wood of living trees are the oak timber worm, the chestnut timber worm, carpenter worms, ambrosia beetles, the locust borer, turpentine beetles and turpentine borers, and the white pine weevil.

21 Words to use with  turpentine