19 Words to use with turquoise

Can you forgive me, my lord, and will you tell me how I can serve you?" "I came," said the Earl of Vauxhall, "to ask you if there is any way in which I can buy the turquoise cup.

"Yours," said the girl, seating herself and dropping her hands, interlaced, and covered with turquoise rings, about her knees; "why should a woman question anything when her husband has passed upon it?" "Did I not tell thee?" said Abdullah.

The turquoise shop, by Frances Crane.

Like a tired animal, she gave herself up to the pleasure of physical relaxation, staring at a perfect turquoise sky through the whispering leaves above.

From any point along the broken walls or the castle roof you can see for fifty miles over scenery invented by the Master-Artist, with the Jordan like a blue worm in the midst of yellow-and-green hills twiggling into a turquoise sea.

We have left the turquoise houses, the serpent houses there in Tollan, where ruled our leader Nacxitl Topiltzin.

Ringed in by a rampart of arid hills, beyond which the scrub-covered desert stretches for miles, the peaceful city of Udaipur lies secluded in an oasis, whose centre is a turquoise lake.

I showed the priests' families how to make aprons of the degrees, but for Dravot's apron the blue border and marks was made of turquoise lumps on white hide, not cloth.

The girl with black hair and the turquoise necklace was already reading Wilbur's palm, disclosing to him that he had a deep vein of cruelty in his nature.

As the tremendous light-play of the Eastern sunsets faded away, we would gather in little groups in the courtyard of our mosqueits minaret towering black against a turquoise skyand talk fitfully of the little happenings of the day, while the Arabs murmured gutturally around us.

The tracery of the broken arches is all carved in stone or in glazed turquoise tiling, and the fragments of wall and vaulting have the firm elegance of a classic ruin.

"The golden drum's turquoise-bell-tinkling.

There was a crystal, turquoise translucency behind the exquisite snowy peak, which seemed to stand there facing God, forgetful of the world behind it, remote and reverent and most serene in the light of His glory.

The most interesting birds he shot were a cotinga, brilliant turquoise-blue with a magenta- purple throat, and a big woodpecker, black above and cinnamon below with an entirely red head and neck.

7. They dwell in the place of spring, in the place of spring, here within the broad fields, and only for our sakes does the turquoise-water fall in broken drops on the surface of the lake.

The sky was beautifully blue, like an inverted turquoise bowl.

Maine The Sculptor's Trade On white stands: azure/turquoise branches, flow and knuckle taken by poured bronze bent, welded, gripped, held, colored artifacts, works in progress, ship's ribs, basketry, child's play.

" And Muriel, a pretty figure in a low-cut gown of turquoise chiffon, standing behind her father, smiled secretly at me.

CHAPTER X THE BEACON LIGHT Out of the Wyoming Bad Landsorange, turquoise-green, and murky blue, of outlandish ridges, of streaked rock, of sudden, twisted cañons, a country like a dream of the far side of the moonrode Cosme Hilliard in a choking cloud of alkali dust.

19 Words to use with  turquoise