31 Words to use with turrets

The man took me down the turret stairs and through a long passage to a door where stood two halberdiers.

"Forward turret guns!" cried Captain Raleigh, "Fire at will!"

She first appears at the turret window in Plessis lés Tours, disguised as Jacqueline; and her marriage with Quentin Durward concludes the novel.

You share their House, your passing hand helps to polish the base of that wooden figure that ends the banisters, you know the childish delight of that wide short chimney in the big turret room, a chimney so wide and so short that you can stand inside the great crooked fireplace and whisper to the birds that look down from the edge of the chimney only a yard or two above you.

" Then low in tearful prayer her voice would sound Despairing, wailing, through the lonely room, The silent turret chamber steep and high, "Thou maiden mother, Mary, knows my heart, Thou who didst love and suffer, look on me, Oh, pity me, sweet mother of the Christ!"

flattop [Coll.]; helicopter carrier; missile platform, missile boat; ironclad, turret ship, ram, monitor, floating battery; first- rate, frigate, sloop of war, corvette, gunboat, bomb vessel; flagship, guard ship, cruiser; armored cruiser, protected cruiser; privateer.

They, moreover, made three mats of cable ropes, each of them the length of the turret walls, and four feet broad, and, hanging them round the turret on the three sides which faced the enemy, fastened them to the projecting joists.

The turret-court at Fontainebleau was selected as the most appropriate spot for the construction of the temporary chapel, the great hall of the palace being totally inadequate to contain the thousands who had collected from every part of the country to witness the ceremony.

Where, as proud Maffon rises rude and bleak, And with mishapen turrets crests the Peak, Old Matlock gapes with marble jaws, beneath, And o'er fear'd Derwent bends his flinty teeth; 175 Deep in wide caves below the dangerous soil Blue sulphurs flame, imprison'd waters boil.

"Remember," added the doctor, as he stopped at the turret-door, "this fight is not to go onyou'll see to that.

Far up in a lonely turret dwelt a rare maiden, of such surpassing beauty and fairness that the peasants thought she was not mortal, but an angel from heaven, resting in that tower from the doing of good deeds.

Was the turret gear put out of order?

Then loudly rang the trumpet call; Thundered the cannon from the wall, And shook the Scottish shore; Around the castle eddied slow, Volumes of smoke as white as snow, And hid its turrets hoar; Till they rolled forth upon the air, And met the river breezes there.

Her turret armor is 18 in.

And finding on Machen's desk a big note-book with soft covers, dappled red and yellow, not yet written in, I took it, and a pencil, and in the little turret-nook wrote day after day for hours this account of what has happened, nearly as far as it has now gone.

Above two rows of pointed roofs and old houses, it stands out alone against the sky and gazes upon the valley in the distance; two bell-turrets project from the front toward the west; the oblong body follows, and two massive brick towers close the line with their esplanades and battlements.

BARTIZAN, an overhanging wall-mounted turret projecting from the walls of ancient fortifications. BARTLETT, JOHN H., an American ethnologist and philologist, born at Rhode Island, U.S.; author of "Dictionary of Americanisms," among other works particularly on ethnology (1805-1886).

A delicate turret rises at each end of the facade, and above it rose the high-pitched roof which was one of the most beautiful features of the building.

For this, St. Bride her turret rocks, For that St. Dunstan rings; The last St. Sepulchre so shocks,

Its church, prettily situated on rising ground, has a fine W. tower, crowned with numerous pinnacles and a turret spirelet.

Close to the door appeared the dark, narrow, turret staircase, which Darnley ascended before he rushed into Mary's presence.

For could you mount yon glittering stairs And on their topmost turret stand, Still endless shining courts and squares, And lanes of lamps on every hand.

and melancholy a tone that it vibrated through my whole frame, and called strongly to mind the beautiful lines in "Parisina": The Convent bells are ringing, But mournfully and slow; In the gray square turret swinging, With a deep sound, to and fro, Heavily to the heart they go!

Neither can we forget, as we sit here musing, whose green English carpet, down in Kent, we so lately rested on under the trees,nor how we wandered off with the lord of that hospitable manor to an old castle hard by his grounds, and climbed with him to the turret-tops,nor how we heard him repeople in fancy the aged ruin, as we leaned over the wall and looked into the desolate court-yard below.

In the old dayswhich means, in the automobile business, about ten years agoan order for ten turret-lathes was considered large; now the motor-makers order seventy-five at a time by telegraph, and do not regard it as more than part of the day's work.

31 Words to use with  turrets