32 Words to use with unit

(The Unit-activity reading series)

The unit plan seems a heaven-born solution of many of the knotty problems of the farm.

Key to Unit tests for use with First Latin lessons.

Unit scales of attainment.

America, its history and people; a unit organization, by Harold Underwood Faulkner & Tyler Kepner.

Unit reader, no.14.

{ Unit stress = - } For instance, if a load (P) of one { A } hundred pounds is uniformly supported by a vertical post with a cross-sectional area (A) of ten square inches, the unit compressive stress is ten pounds per square inch.

Accordingly, we have elaborated an educational unitthe three months' course of instruction in a single subject: this unit course we have used all the resources we could command for making as thorough in method as possible; where more than this is desired, we arrange that more in a combination or series of such unit courses.

The Mendelians have emphasized the rôle of the unit factor in heredity, and the conservation of the unit factor as an entity through all the adventures of matings.

Unit processes in organic synthesis.

Subsequent surveys and the various changes already noted have increased the quantity of work by 50 per cent., whereas the unit costs have increased only 20 per cent.not such a bad showing.

One object of such investigation is to find unit values for strength and stiffness, etc.

(Lippincott's unit books)

Our success was due in large part to our "unit-food-boxes," a device containing a balanced ration which Professor Harry W. Foote had cooperated with me in assembling.

It's a long, long way to the day of a segregating out and in of Mendelian unit-characters.

At the first command the leader of the leading unit commands: RIGHT TURN.

Unit D: Per cents, their meaning and use.

Unit E: Uses of graphs; how to picture number relations.

Here was the complete subordination of all unit-life to the well-being of the Whole.

In successive movements executed in double time the leading or base unit marches in QUICK TIME when not otherwise prescribed; the other units march in DOUBLE TIME to their places in the formation ordered and then conform to the gait of the leading or base unit.

Surgical nursing; arranged according to the unit method.

Paintings for unit pictures by Herbert Paus.

(Unit rder., no.19)

R66175. COSTUME SILHOUETTES, by Mary Evans. (Lippincott's unit texts)

John G. Kirk & William R. Odell (A); 31Jul64; R342467. Bookkeeping for immediate use; advanced course, unit achievement tests, semester tests.

32 Words to use with  unit