4 Words to use with venires

NOTES: If a woman sentenced to execution declared she was pregnant, a jury of twelve matrons could be appointed on a writ de venire inspiciendo to determine the truth of the matter; for she could not be executed if the infant was alive in the womb.

Novellae, ii, 3. Novellae ii, 3. Codex, vi, 40, 2 and 3. Novellae, 22, 44: unde sancimus, si quis prohibuerit ad aliud venire matrimonium, etc. Codex, v, 3, 16.

Sis miser, et nulli miserabilis, omnia quisquis A diis pro merito cuique venire putas.

Pæsh alla Sainta Ba- 1. cujuscunque forisfacturae quis reus sit hoc tempore, et 2. de quel forfait que home out fait en cel tens, et 3. selg.[BN] da quel sfarfatt que om a fatt en que tem, et 1. venire potest ad sanctum:

4 Words to use with  venires