16 Words to use with venting

The orifice or vent-hole of the cave was covered with a tripod consecrated to Apollo, on which the priestesses, called Pythonesses, sat, to fill themselves with the prophetic vapour, and to conceive the spirit of divination, with the fervor that made them know futurity, and foretel it in Greek hexameters.

Stopper N. stopper, stopple; plug, cork, bung, spike, spill, stopcock, tap; rammer^; ram, ramrod; piston; stop-gap; wadding, stuffing, padding, stopping, dossil^, pledget^, tompion^, tourniquet. cover &c 223; valve, vent peg, spigot, slide valve.

They have all the true Suett stamp, a loose and shambling gait, a slippery tongue, this last the ready midwife to a without-pain-delivered jest; in words, light as air, venting truths deep as the centre; with idlest rhymes tagging conceit when busiest, singing with Lear in the tempest, or Sir Toby at the buttery-hatch.

Tout à coup à ses yeux qui cherchent le chemin, Avec je ne sais quoi de lugubre et d'humain, Une sombre masure apparaît décrépite; Ni lumière, ni feu; la porte au vent palpite; Sur les murs vermoulus branle un toit hasardeux, La bise sur ce toit tord des chaumes hideux, jaunes, sales, pareils aux grosses eaux d'un fleuve.

Numerous vent pits, or apparent craters, have been discovered on this plateau.

SOUFFLE, m., vent produit en soufflant de l'air par la bouche; haleine.

Ainsi l'on jugea que le plus expedient etoit de s'en retourner, puis-qu'on n'avoit rien a pretendre, et qu'on avoit a craindre les vents forcez et les tempetes, qui selon les aparences auroient aussi fait perir la flute.

Le glaive qui frappa ne fut point aperçu; D'où vint ce sombre coup, personne ne l'a su; Seulement, ce soir-, bêchant pour se distraire, Héraclius le Chauve, abbé de Joug-Dieu, frère D'Acceptus, archevêque et primat de Lyon, Étant aux champs avec le diacre Pollion, Vit, dans les profondeurs par les vents remuées, Un archange essuyer son épée aux nuées.

It seems most likely that vent tubes are entirely separate.

Let their own servile creatures rise By screening fraud, and venting lies; Give me, kind heaven, a private station, A mind serene for contemplation: 70 Title and profit I resign; The post of honour shall be mine.

"More efficacious than the venting opulence upon the Fine Arts."Ib., Vol.

And then, the grandame idly wastes her breath, In venting saws 'bout maiden modesty And strict decorum,from some musty volume: But the clipp'd wings will quickly sprout again;

The poor Marquess soon discovered that it was quite useless to stay where he was, for the purpose of venting threats and complaints; and he had no hope that the Court of France would think it worth while to go to war, for the sake of avenging his affront.

Ce n'est pas sans quelque but suprême Que sans cesse, en ce gouffre rêvent les sondeurs, Un prodigieux vent soufflant des profondeurs, A travers l'âpre nuit, pousse, emporte et ramène Sur tout l'écueil divin toute la mer humaine.

Les envieus et envieuses sont en ung fleuve congelé plongés jusques au nombril et par dessus les frappe un vent moult froid et quant veulent icelluy vent éviter se plongent dedans ladite glace.'

I've caught a look in his eyes, when he's been down on his hands and knees, staring into some infernal vent-holea look that iswell, uncanny, as if he were peering into the bowels of the earth for something quite outside the conceptions of science.

16 Words to use with  venting