99 Words to use with verb

CUTHBERTSON, LULU L. Cuthbertson verb wheels.

These authors, and many more, agree, that, "A verb neuter expresses neither action nor passion, but being, or a state of being.

The definitions to be given in the Sixth Praxis, are two for an article, six for a noun, three for an adjective, six for a pronoun, seven for a verb finite, five for an infinitive, and one for a participle, an adverb, a conjunction, a preposition, or an interjection.

Passive verbs, in English, are always of a compound form; being made from active-transitive verbs, by adding the Perfect Participle to the auxiliary verb BE, through all its changes: thus from the active-transitive verb love, is formed the passive verb be loved.

SEE Exercises on French irregular verbs and verb blanks.

But the sentence is bad English; because the verb concern or concerns is improperly left without a nominative.

"A passive verb denotes action received or endured by the person or thing which is its nominative.

"The verb use relates not to pleasures of the imagination, but to the terms of fancy and imagination, which he was to employ as synonymous.

[sicKTH] verb valet.

[FORMULE.Not proper, because the objective pronoun them is here made the subject of the verb need, understood.

If all of them, to any one thing, it must be to the action suggested by the verb bray, and not to its object fool; for the text does not speak of "a fool with a pestle," though it does seem to speak of "a fool in a mortar, and among wheat."

6. Write a synopsis of the third person plural of the neuter verb stand, conjugated interrogatively.

The same remark applies to the Hebrew verb abadh, to serve, answering to the noun ebedh (servant).

Boys is a noun of the second person, plural number, masculine gender, in the nominative case to the verb study.

The subjunctive idea is sometimes expressed by verb phrases, containing the auxiliary verbs may (might), would, or should.

WARNER, R. DE K. French verb tables and blanks.

A Participle is a word derived from a verb, participating the properties of a verb, and of an adjective or a noun; and is generally formed by adding ing, d, or ed, to the verb: thus, from the verb rule, are formed three participles, two simple and one compound; as, 1. ruling, 2. ruled, 3.

Trobador is the oblique case of the nominative trobaire, a substantive from the verb trobar, in modern French trouver.

In 1, to write shows its verb nature by governing the object theme; in 2, riding shows its verb nature by taking as a modifier the adverb rapidly.

crescione, which Mr. Wedgwood cites, points in the direction of crescere; and the O. Fr. cressonage, implying a verb cressoner, means the right of grazing.

The word dagan, which signifies corn, is derived from the verb dagah, to increase, to multiply, and in all the ancient religions the horn or vase, filled with fruits and with grain, was the recognized symbol of plenty.

[FORMULE.Not proper, because the preposition to is inserted before proceed, which follows the active verb dare.

This has, probably, led philologists to observe that the verb declarative of existence, was wanting, and discouraged them in the search of it.

The verb défier governs to-day the accusative and not the dative.

In this latter instance, I should prefer the singular verb demands; and in the former, the expression ought to be otherwise altered, thus.

99 Words to use with  verb