8 Words to use with vis

The house was set back from the Broom Road in a clearing of a wood of cocoanuts, breadfruits, badamiers, and vi-apples.


Archistroche lineare : Ta-bel-lak, or Le-vi-lack.

vi. 836"Projice tela manu, sanguis meus!"

vi. page 105.

"Io vi mando questo foglio Dalle lagrime rigato, Sotto scritto dal cordoglio Dai pensieri sigillato Testimento del mio amore (Io) vi mando questo core.

Imperat aut servit; if you can wield it with a strong arm, it is a great weapon; otherwise, Vis consili expers Mole ruit suâ.

Vis viva, or mechanical power.

8 Words to use with  vis