15 Words to use with vor

"I zay," said he, "you mos pe dronk as de pig, vor zit dare and not zee me zit ere; and I zay, doo, you mos pe pigger vool as de goose, vor to dispelief vat iz print in de print.

Hvad vor leder siger.

"My dog is good to catch a hen, A duck and goose is vood vor men; And where good company I spy, Oh, thether gwoes my dog and I. "Droo aal the world, owld Gaarge would bwoast, Commend me to merry owld England mwoast; While vools gwoes scramblin' vur and nigh, We bides at whoam, my dog and I.

Wir wollen trauen auf den höchsten Gott, Und uns nicht fürchten vor der Macht der Menschen.

Sei nahe mir, werf ich mich hin, Wein ich vor dir in stillen; Dein reiner gottgelassner Sinn Beherrsche meinen Willen.

Lasset uns anbeten, Und in Erfurcht vor ihn treten; Gott ist in der mitten!

Thirteen shillin's vor two or dree sausingers, a few slices o' bread an' butter, an' a bottle o' popnot vor Roger, if he knows it" Up kums a chap an' ses, "Be you gwain to pay vor wat you hev hed?" "To be sure I be.

Thur's sixpence vor the sausingers, tuppence vor bread an' butter, an' dreppence the pop,that meaks 'levenpence"; an' I drows down a shillin', and ses, "Thur's the odd penny vor the young 'ooman as waited upon me.

The situation at the bottom of a wooded amphitheatre is delightful: "Sweet Be'mi'ster that bist abound By green and woody hills all round, Wi' hedges reachen up between A thousan' vields o' zummer green Where clems lofty heads do show Their sheades vor hay-meakers below An' wild hedge-flowers do charm the souls O' maidens in their evenin' strolls.

I heer'd the lot a-larfin, an' hed moast a mind to go in an' twirl me ground ash among um vor thur edification.

"Him baint been London ways vor uppard of vivdeen year, tu my zurtain knowledge," said the old road-mender, jerking his empty pewter upwards in the direction of the terrace, where Sir Timothy's solid dark form could be discerned pacing up and down before his white house.

I sed that wur very good accommodashun to hev XXX laid on vor use.

I'm arl vor vighting vurrinersTurks, Rooshans, Vrinchmen; 'tis arl one tu I." "Why doan't 'ee volunteer thyself, Vather Jack?

"'Thic 'ere geranum's broke, Willum; but ef yu tuke it vor cuttings, zo vast's iver yu cude, 'twon't take no yarm, Willum.

They have all evidently forgotten the German proverb: Kehr vor deiner eignen Tür!

15 Words to use with  vor