69 Words to use with voting

"But I'm not rich enough to bear a heavy loss, and if you bought my lot, the voting power would enable you to break the grumblers' opposition.

Every boy who had been two terms at the school received a voting paper, which he filled up at his leisure and handed over to the returning officers at a special assembly called for the purpose.

I want him to learn about the connection of the state with these things; so he will be ready to do his part in them, when he gets to the 'voting age.'

The chief defect of the American Presidential election is that as the old single vote method of election is employed it has to be fought on purely party lines.

The town serves as a convenient voting precinct.

But the adjoining district was strong enough to spare a county without loss to the party; and that county added to MacFarlane's voting strength would tip the scale in his favor.

It was here that he made a working model of his vote recorder, the first invention he ever patented.

Go alone to one of the voting shelves and there unfold your ballot.

John P. Robinson he Sez he wunt vote fer Guvener B. My! aint it terrible?

The community may increase so in numbers as to make it necessary to have several voting places.

When the election day came round, however, I found that by some accident there was only one Frederic Ingham's name on the voting-list; and, as I was quite busy that day in writing some foreign letters to Halle, I thought I would forego my privilege of suffrage, and stay quietly at home, telling Dennis that he might use the record on the voting-list and vote.

According to the new arrangement the right of priority in voting was withdrawn from the equites, although they retained their separate divisions, and it was transferred to a voting division chosen from the first class by lot.

After the war the smart guys came through and talked the people into voting bonds, but there was no railroad built and most counties paid their bonds, but the county in which Osceola stands refused to pay for their bonds because there was no railroad built, and they told the collectors to 'show me the railroad and we will pay,' and that is where 'show me' originated.

The voting law is not fair.

Voting procedures in international political organizations.

Thinking slaveholding to be sin, he goes on, year after year, appointing by his vote judges and marshals to aid in hunting up the fugitives, and seeing that they are delivered back to those who claim them!

They make our whole public life forensic and ineffectual, and I pointed out that this evil effect, which vitiates our whole national life, could be largely remedied by an infinitely better voting system known as Proportional Representation.

Mr. Halliwell's note is, "vote-killing.

The voting trust; a device for corporate control.

When, under this arrangement, the voters assemble in different parts of the community, they could not listen to financial reports and vote taxes, as they do in the town and the village.

or 'Do ye vote unionist?'

Thus the trade union on the one hand, offering to the working-woman protection in the earning of her living, links up her interests with those of her working brother; while on the other hand, in the demand for the vote women of all classes are recognizing common disabilities, a common sisterhood and a common hope.

In 1851 Douglass announced that his sympathies were with the voting abolitionists, and thenceforth he supported by voice and pen Hale, Fremont, and Lincoln, the successive candidates of the new party.

In many States, laws were passed putting off upon children in the schools the training which the voting adults knew the nation needed.

Those voting aye were all from Northern states, except Archer of Maryland, Broom of Delaware, Bedinger of Kentucky and Williams of North Carolina.

69 Words to use with  voting