17 Words to use with vowel

It results therefore that the vowel-sound subjected to the most frequent variations is that of o, whether single or in combination.

The vowel u corresponds to the colour yellow, and therefore to the sound of flutes.

In Arabic, the only distinction which obtains, arises from the vowel points, a late invention compared with the antiquity of that language.

(a) There is no diphthong if an accented weak vowel precedes a strong.

The inflections given to our words never embraced any other vowel power than that of the short e or i; and even, this we are inclined to dispense with, whenever we can; so that most of our grammatical inflections are, to the ear, nothing but consonants blended with the final syllables of the words to which they are added.

7.The vowel e at the end of a word, is generally silent; and, even when otherwise, it remains single in plurals from this ending; the es, whenever the e is vocal, being sounded eez, or like the word ease: as, apostrophe, apostrophes; epitome, epitomes; simile, similes.

These equal syllables alone require, Though oft the ear the open vowels tire; While expletives their feeble aid do join, And ten low words oft creep in one dull line: While they ring round the same unvaried chimes, With sure returns of still expected rhymes; Where'er you find 'the cooling western breeze,' In the next line, it 'whispers through the trees;'

The prolation of a pure vowel places the organs of utterance in that particular position which the sound of the letter requires, and then holds them unmoved till we have given to it all the length we choose.

Usually only vowel signs are omitted or misread and, here, and there, consonants closely resembling one another as va and cha, va, and dha, ga and ['s]a, la and na are interchanged.

He recognized, in fact, a vowel accent and a consonant accent; or, in reference to quantity, a lengthening accent and a shortening accent.

The vowel ú, as in flute.

Consonants stood alone, and their conjunction, aided by memory, was expected to suggest the proper vowel accompaniments.

Vowel alliteration is less common.

They are | avoi | avee |-||||-| The terminations are the three pronouns, feminine and masculine, singular and plural, each represented by one of twelve vowel characters, and declined like nouns.

; in all which tenses the union-vowel coalesces with the root vowel.

"The vowels iou are sometimes pronounced distinctly in two syllables; as in various, abstemious; but not in bilious."Murray

My "Memoria Technica" is a modification of Gray's; but, whereas he used both consonants and vowels to represent digits, and had to content himself with a syllable of gibberish to represent the date or whatever other number was required, I use only consonants, and fill in with vowels ad libitum, and thus can always manage to make a real word of whatever has to be represented.

17 Words to use with  vowel