39 Words to use with welling

The robber's name makes nine men out of ten your secret well-wishers; the deed makes you all men's enemy.

"No, I can't conceive a sillier paradox than 'A babe in the house is a well-spring of joy.'

So gloom not, lad, Belsaye is safe, the sun shineth and behold my arm'tis well-nigh healed, thanks toto skilful nursing" "Of the Duchess Helen, Benedict?" "Haso hast found it outat last, lad" "Knew you she was here?" "Aye, verily.

It was also found that deepening the well had caused the water to become brackish, so much so that we had to bring water by boat from the spring at which the ship had been filled up; the horses however still managed to drink the well-water, although it produced great thirst.

The wells of the other two routes are known to the bordering tribes alone, who, when they have taken a supply of water, cover them up with sand, previously laying a camel-skin over the well-mouth, to prevent the sand falling into the water, so that, while dying with thirst, you might be standing on a well and be none the wiser.

With her went the interval of peace; for past the well-curb came another figure, scuffing slowly toward the light.

I looked quickly about, and perceiving that I was not in sight of any one, I got into the well and went down to the bottom, assisting my descent by the well-rope.

Here our guide took another key, and, while the door was being opened, Elzevir whispered to me, 'It is the well-house,' and my pulse beat quick to think we were so near our goal.

Then he had inquired, and a female fellow-passenger had informed him that she was a Mrs. Smith,that she had seen better days, but had been married to a ne'er-do-well husband, who had drank himself to death within a year of their marriage, and that she was now going out to the colony, probably,so the old lady said who was the informant,in search of a second husband.

It was not a "sheep fallen into a pit," only a disturbed well-sweep.

He is the first tincture and rudiment of a writer, dipped as yet in the preparative blue, like an almanac well-willer.

There is a vicious Terror of being blamed in some well-inclin'd People, and a wicked Pleasure in suppressing them in others; both which I recommend to your Spectatorial Wisdom to animadvert upon; and if you can be successful in it, I need not say how much you will deserve of the Town; but new Toasts will owe to you their Beauty, and new Wits their Fame.

From a knowledge of this fact, the fishermen of cod are enabled to preserve them alive for a considerable time in their well-boats.

EUMENIDES (i. e. the Well-meaning), a name given to the ERINNYES (q. v.) or Furies, from a wholesome and prudent dread of calling them by their true name.

There's a hail-fellow-well-metness about enthusiastic bicyclists, and Emma is intensely enthusiastic.

And if I fit thee not, then fit not me: I long the truth of this wells power to see.

The Spartan's legs trembled when Mikhalevich led him into the Korobines' not over-well furnished drawing-room, and introduced him to its occupants.

" Not only here, but over the whole county of Norfolk, the well-sinker might carry his shaft down many hundred feet without coming to the end of the chalk; and, on the sea-coast, where the waves have pared away the face of the land which breasts them, the scarped faces of the high cliffs are often wholly formed of the same material.

The prize had not been a great one, and the prosperity of the family was further diminished by the continual failures of the ne'er-do-well sons, so that they had to make the best of the dull, respectable old house they had inherited, in the dull, respectable old street of the dull, respectable old town.

Why, Sir, if I could only get you to think as he doesa man with your power and influence and faculty for leadershipI'd call this winter well spentbetter spent than if I'd been left in Washington.

But we must away to Sir Reynard's hall, and unsough him; this we can do with less sorrowful feelings than killing a deer, which indeed, is like taking the life of a brother or a sister; but as to a fox, there is an old clow-jewdaism about him, that makes me feel like passing Petticoat-lane or Monmouth-street, or that sink of iniquity, Holy-well-street.

Not a golden dandelion on the road-side, not a gurgle of the plashing brown water from the well-troughs, which did not give a quicker pleasure to the glowing face.

"Are you shaken with wars?" as Cyprian well urgeth to Demetrius, "are you molested with dearth and famine?

* Sahwah stood before the portrait of Elizabeth Carver in the long drawing room, paying her fare-well visit.

At noon, when the stewards rummage out lunch-drinks from the dewy ice-chest, the Desert whines louder than the well-wheels on the bank: 'I am here, only a quarter of a mile away.

39 Words to use with  welling