45 Words to use with whiskey

The groan was but a premonitory thunder to a shower of sticks, stones, whiskey-bottles, and superannuated eggs.

" "Hell's hinges, you ain't standin' there tellin' me that a Cree breed is too good for Bully West, are you?" roared the big whiskey-runner.

He distinctly remembers, too, administering hot whiskey punch to little boy HOLLAND with a tea-spoon, which may in some measure account for the Spirit subsequently infused by the capital comedian into the numerous bits of character presented by him.

My father earns a laborious living by making me keep a whiskey shop.

Always carry a whiskey flask about you, so that you can practice at Swallows.

These whiskey-traders were ruining her people.

The sixshooter relinquished by his nerveless fingers remained on top of the bar between the whiskey glasses.

Whiskey sour, by Max Brand, pseud.

There was a little knitted frown of worry on her forehead, for imagination could fill in details of what the coulée held: the white canvas tops of prairie schooners, some spans of oxen grazing near, a group of blatant, profane whiskey-smugglers from Montana, and in the wagons a cargo of liquor to debauch the Bloods and Piegans near Fort Whoop-Up.

In reality it was a border-post, the inhabitants of which were devoted to horse-racing, hunting, and whiskey-drinking, with a sprinkling of educated people, among whom the young lawyer soon distinguished himself,a born orator, logical as well as rhetorical.

Of Major Steell's good work in putting down the whiskey traffic on the Blackfoot agency in Montana, I shall speak further on, and to-day there is not very much whiskey sold to the Blackfeet.

" "Did he send you to smash our whiskey-barrels?" "Angus McRae never hides behind a woman," she said, her chin up.

Whiskey rebels; the story of a frontier uprising.

In the better whiskey race Schenley melding sets the pace.

The one nearest the entrance to the coulée held four whiskey-casks with staves crushed in and contents seeping into the dry ground.

They're going to the post with me for whiskey-running.

At length the important evening arrived and in the home of Mr. Glossop, a wealthy and retired whiskey dealer, there was a brilliant array of wealth and fashion.

Ain't you the lil' hell-cat that busted my whiskey-kegs, that ran to the red-coat spy an' told him where the cache was, that shot me up when I set out to dry-gulch him, as you might say?

That with a certain overseer provided: "And whereas there are a number of whiskey stills very contiguous to the said Plantations, and many idle, drunken and dissolute People continually resorting the same, priding themselves in debauching sober and well-inclined Persons the said Edd.

BRUTUS was taking a "whiskey straight," Which I didn't think orthodox; While GRANT, with his usual zeal for sport, Seemed busy with fighting Cox!

I means by dat, Lee King tuk her an' my brudder George fer a whiskey debt.

It was all over in a flash, but it told the man from Montana who the informer was that had betrayed to the police the place of the whiskey cache.

It appears that, by a joint resolution of Congress, the use of "that first-class humbug and fraud, the whiskey meter," has been abolished.

Whiskey ull do it, in a way.

"He sold his vote to pay his whiskey bill.

45 Words to use with  whiskey