20 Words to use with whistling

The voice of the sea grew nearer; now he could hear the dull thud of the waves, then the weird whistling sounds that succeeded.

As we advanced, the measured plash of the oars frightened from their roosting places in the trees, a huge flock of screeching vampires, that disturbed for a time the serenity of the scene by their discordant notes; and a few reaches further up, noisy flights of our old friends, the whistling-ducks, greeted our ears.

I whirled 'round, sick with fear, toward the window, and as I did so, a frightful, exultant whistling scream burst through the Room.

When I came below, two or three minutes before, we were heading into The Race, west-nor'west, having left Cerberus Shoal whistling buoy to port about fifteen minutes earlier.

As I looked, a shrieking hollow whistle overhead, a momentary pause, then"Crumph!" showed clearly what was the matter with the chateau.

"He's one of the reasons we're in this whistle stop," Amber said.

The humble tent and murmuring breeze That whistles thro' its fluttering wall, My unaspiring fancy please Better than towers and splendid halls.

Perhaps its wonders were once the goal of our wishesto receive a long bill from the jolly yeoman at the door, to see the living wonders of the upper story, and be treated with a pocket knife or whistle-whip from the counters of the lower apartments, have probably at one period or other been grand treats.

Thou stock-dove, whose echo resounds through the glen, Ye wild whistling blackbirds in yon thorny den, Thou green-crested lapwing, thy screaming forbear, I charge you disturb not my slumbering fair! How lofty, sweet Afton, thy neighbouring hills, Far marked with the courses of clear winding rills!

In spite of tossing waves and whistling blasts, Frithiof sang a cheery song to reassure his frightened crew; but when the peril grew so great that his exhausted men gave themselves up for lost, he bade Björn hold the rudder, and himself climbed up to the mast top to view the horizon.

"Vive les Anglais!" cried a French girl, in answer to the whistling courtesy.

And there did rise now a sound from all that Country that had no order in it; and did be like to a low moaning that did fill all the air of the Land; and there to be also a constant sound, as of a little whistling dree wind that did be in all that Country of Quiet; and truly this to be more than any singing; for it to be the true weeping of multitudes, that did sorrow from the heart, with the grief of this thing that did be.

I remember once, in the confusion and hurry of baffling winds and whistling shot, having always turbans before the eye, and the bastinado in mind, to have beseeched St. Stefano in some such voice as one would use to a dog, and to have bullied the men with the whine of a young kitten.

"Some morning in early spring, when the Chickadees who have wintered about the Farm are growing restless, and about ready to go to a more secluded spot to nest, you will hear a sweet persuasive whistling song coming from a clump of bushes.

Juanita watched him so closely one spring afternoon that the keen black eyes kept returning to her face at each round of the long whistling stick.

At the whistle-blast the Rustlers kicked it offa beautiful, long, arching curve.

Some labourer, thought he, may perchance be near; And so he sent a feeble shoutin vain; No voice made answer, he could only hear Winds rustling over plots of unripe grain, 35 Or whistling thro' thin grass along the unfurrowed plain.

The anchor came up and when the engines shook the ship Mayne pulled the whistle-line and a long blast rolled across the woods.

I once had such a treasure and cherished it until I learned the secret of the whistle-maker's art.

Wull he do that, who's been out there, facin' death, clear eyed, hearing the whistle o' shell o'er his head, seeing his friends dee before his een?

20 Words to use with  whistling