10 Words to use with white

Now the moon-white butterflies Float across the liquid air, Glad as in a dream; And, across thy lover's heart, 10 Visions of one scarlet mouth With its maddening smile.

"There are too many low whites comin' here.

The whites ones, hardly knowing their mothers from their mammies or their uncles by blood from their "uncles" by courtesy, had the freedom of the kitchen and the cabins, and the black ones were their playmates in the shaded sandy yard the livelong day.

Were all the Southern whites slave owners?

Indeed, all Tahiti was of the sea, and all but the mass of natives who stayed in their little homes were at times sailors, and all whites passengers on long voyages.

To make a Devonshire White-pot.

Beside him walked the Master; and, well grouped and flanked and followed by the Arabs in their white robesall silent, grave, watchfulthe Legion also entered.

Cook till it thickens; remove from fire and stir in the cheese, pinch cayenne, and yolks of eggs beaten up, beat up whites stiffly, and mix in lightly.

The check that had been given the Indians allowed the whites time to recover heart and breath.

Herr Köhrer finds it almost beneath his dignity to reply to charges of barbarism and Hunnism; yet he devotes several pages to the art of white-washing.

10 Words to use with  white