5 Words to use with wors

Joel, and his poor'atin's, blazed away at 'em, as if they had been so many Christiansand 'twould have done yer heart good to have heard the serjeant belabour them with hard wor-r-ds, for their throuble.

And it's agraable to see the captain, looking for all the wor-r-ld like a commander-in-chaif of six or eight rijiments, ordering one this-a-way, and another that-a-wayBy St. Patrick, young laddy, I only hopes them vagabonds will come on as soon as yourself is inside the sticks, jist to give the ould jontleman a better occasion to play souldier on 'em.

An me and Watson 'ave been makin inquiriesan Mr. Dawson wor obligin enough to make me a small loan, 'ee wor.

The orders was as partic'lar as tongue of man could utter, and what good will it all do?Ye're not to fire, says serjeant Joyce, till ye all hear the wor-r-d; and the divil of a wor-r- d did they wait for; but blaze away did they, jist becaase a knot of savages comes on to them rocks ag'in, where they had possession all yesterday afthernoon; and sure it is common enough to breakfast where a man sups.

As he stood ga-zing with won-der up-on them, a voice, which ap-pear-ed to pr-oceed from the cloud, said, "Wil-lie, be not a-fraid: I know the praise-wor-thy er-rand that you are on, and I come to be-friend you.

5 Words to use with  wors