31 Words to use with y

"Ving-y-ving!" growled this functionary, not a little puzzled "what ze devil sort of name is zat!

Y | C | B | P | 1772| | | 841,558| 1773| | | 779,303| 1774| | | 739,039| 1775|

Y dominado por la invencible languidez que embargaba sus miembros, iba á reclinar de nuevo

the stranger, stepping in to take pot-luckwe, poor old Christopher North, thanklessly volunteering to help the cock-y-leekie, that otherwise would continue to smoke and steam unstirred in its truly classical utensil!

"Very well, then," continued TRACEY CLEWS, his extraordinary head of hair fairly bristling with electrical animation: "You've only to get yourself into exactly the same clove-y condition as on the night of the double disappearance, when you put your umbrella and nephew away somewhere, and you'll remember all about it again.

Y creerá que en esto le hemos faltado al respeto.

Y dice usted que se casa? DOÑA MATILDE.

"And what a home-y family!" said Doctor John Hautayne.

Y por fin, exclamé interrumpiendo el animado cuento de mi interlocutor, é impaciente ya por conocer el desenlace, ¿en qué acabó todo ello?

y-girls wear on the sides of their foreheads.

God sends the rain; the dust-y ground It soft-ens in the fields a-round; The mois-ture ev-e-ry plant re

As near as I can reckon it out it'll cost about a thousand dollars a yeartwelve hundred if we want to be v-e-r-y liberal, so the catalogue says.

Y si llega a ser madre.... DON EDUARDO.

See the li-lies, round and large, Float-ing near the reed-y marge, Where the bul-rush has its place And the hea-vy wa-ter-mace.

Y queda ya alguno por ventura?

Y quedará preso en ella.

Y quien la sostendrá de los brazos hasta que el Sr. D. Eduardo la recoja en los suyos?

Y quién le dice a usted que yo no esperaba esta misma visita? DON EDUARDO.

His mo-ther is stand-ing at the gate: Wil-lie shouts; such a heart-y shout!

that he no had y-wit, Ere the forward were y-suit!

4. Correction of Murray, in words of five syllables: a-bom-i-na-ble, a-poth-e-ca-ry, con-sid-er-a-ble, ex-plan-a-to-ry, pre-par-a-to-ry; ac-a-dem-i-cal, cu-ri-os-i-ty, ge-o-graph-i-cal, man-u-fac-tor-y, sat-is-fac-tor-y, mer-i-to-ri-ous;char-ac-ter-is-tic, ep-i-gram-mat-ic, ex-per-i-ment-al, pol-y-syl-la-ble, con-sid-er-a-tion.

Then he spelled out slowly, "C-y-a-n-o-c-i-t-t-a c-r-i-s-t-a-t-a. Why, that's Latin, but it only means Blue Jay." "Couldn't you write a little book for us, unclejust a common little book, all in plain words?" pleaded Dodo.

[Illustration] "Can you see an-y thing of two lit-tle girls from where you are?"

Y tiene mucha razón ... ningún padre puede aprobar el que

#Y# #y#, in, of, to or at it or them there; # avoir#, be, be the matter; #il a un mois#, p.14, l.23, a month ago.

31 Words to use with  y