4 collocations for absence

Distance was indeed a form of death under such conditionsno wonder men made their wills as they set out on a journeyand when actual physical death did not intervene, how much of that slow death-in-life, that fading of the memory and that numbing of the affections which absence too often brings, was even still more to be feared.

Elle sort à l'instant, mademoiselle, mais je serais bien malheureux si son absence me faisait traiter par vous en ennemi!

To him her presence was a pleasure, her absence a privation; and her loneliness drew deeply upon his sympathy.

This power of visiting their homes, voluntarily offered, was acceptable to almost all, already longing to see their friends, and foreseeing in future a still longer absence Repose through the whole season of winter, between toils already undergone and those that were soon to be endured, repaired the vigour of their bodies and minds to encounter all difficulties afresh.

4 collocations for  absence