6 collocations for affiliated

BERLE, A. A. Subsidiaries and affiliated corporations.

This led her to affiliate the Pioneer Club in the beginning with the General Federation of Women's Clubs in the United States, and should inspire it to progressive life and work.

LATITUDINARIANS, the name given to a body of theologians belonging to the Church of England who, at the end of the 17th century, sought, in the interest of religion, to affiliate the dogmas of the Church, with the principles of philosophy as grounded on reason; they were mostly of the school of Plato, and among their leaders were Cudworth and Henry More.

In like manner will they affiliate all France, if they can.

It might perhaps be possible some day to affiliate the various tribes, when the vocabularies had all been collected and compared by a good philological scholar, but at present there was much uncertainty on the subject.

With these are affiliated the local unions of a trade or of a whole industry, sometimes, from all over the continent of North America.

6 collocations for  affiliated