9 collocations for agaynst

The Bishop of London's Declaration thereon (Feb. 19. 1554) runs thus: "And they not so reconciled, every one of them shall have process made agaynst him accordyng to the canons, as the case shall requyre; for which purpose the pastours and curates of every paryshe shall be commanded by their archedeacon to certyfye me in writinge of every man and woman's name that is not so reconciled.

Coll., xlv (1902), 40, 60 ("Recd for sarttayn standyngs agaynst the cherche at Whytson fayar xvd." 1588).

And in case any man hinder and impeach him, aboue, and besides these our present letters, wee charge you most expressly to defend and assist him agaynst the sayd Consuls, and if they will not obey our present commandement, that you aduertise vs thereof, that we may take such order for the same, that others may take example thereby.

I am lost in treason: my fordgd hand Hathe whored my liveinge syster & displays All my basse plotts agaynst the emperoure.

and it is much against my will that I am now necessitate to speake agaynst my husband, I desire that ye Lord would open his heart to owne and speak ye trueth.

Lo! Bessus, he that armde with murderer's knyfe And traytrous hart agaynst his royal king, With bluddy hands bereft his master's life.

Tis agaynst our oath On any, though the great'st, extremity To addmitt women thether.

Our pore retyred famylie must plante Theire braunches in the broade ayre, not be plashd Or propt agaynst the walls of pallaces.

but agaynst the next yeere it will haue a new barke, and that which is gathered euery yeere is the best Sinamome: for that which groweth two or three yeares is great, and not so good as the other is; and in these woods groweth much Pepper.

9 collocations for  agaynst