69 collocations for ail

"Roger," he whispered, "what ails thee, Roger?" "Alas!"

"Ay me," moans the mother, "I cannot say what ails the child, Syed Saheb!

What in thunder ails the girl?" * *

"Lenore, what ails the boy?" "Nothing that I know of.

That's what ails women when they get to cutting up like this.

What ails the fellow? Elder Lo.

Jenieve, without knowing she was saying a word, spoke out: "Monsieur the chief Pontiac, what ails the French and Indians?" "Malatat," answered Pontiac.

"Shut up, boy," I cried, "and get off and see what ails the man.

What ails that stupid priest that he has given over his visits?

And what can ail the mastiff bitch?

Tuts, manwhat ails ye at Allbums? North.

That's what ails Jasper Jasperson.

But the officers were mighty curious to know what ailed Captain Robert Evans (meaning Dawson), fearing he might be ill of the plague; however, on the Don's vowing that he was only sick of a surfeit, Captain Ballcock declared he had guessed it the moment he clapt eyes on him, as he himself had been taken of the same complaint with only eating a dish of pease pudding.

I don't see what ails everybody.

"What ails Fanny?"

What ails the Fool?

That made me fancy you were interested to know what ails my feet.

What ails the Gentleman? Bel.

what ails poor Geraldine? Why stares she with unsettled eye? Can she the bodiless dead espy?

What is't that ails young Harry Gill? That evermore his teeth they chatter, Chatter, chatter, chatter still!

"Goodness o' mercy Miss Anna, what ails thee's little head?

What ails my heart, that in my breast It thus unquiet lies; And that it now of needful rest Deprives my tiréd eyes? Let not vain hopes, griefs, doubts, or fears, Distemper so my mind; But cast on God thy thoughtful cares, And comfort thou shalt find.

I have discovered what ailed the horse.

VII "What ails my Nicky, my darling Imp, My Lucifer bright, my Beelze?

True, one city doctor, a visiting friend of the Pennimans' family physician, had once gone carefully over him, punching, prodding, listening, to announce that nothing ailed the invalid; which showed, as the judge had said to his face, that he was nothing but an impudent young squirt.

69 collocations for  ail