13 collocations for alias

R64987, 31Jul50, Edith Lewis (E) & The City Bank Farmers Trust Co. (E) ALIAS the deacon.

Another gland, the pancreas or sweetbreads, this time within the abdomen, a close neighbor of the solar plexus, alias the abdominal brain, is occupied with holding and hoarding sugar in the body, particularly in the liver, the great sugar warehouse.

There is one very grand oil painting over the chimney-piece, Fastcastle, by Thomson, alias the Wolf's Crag of the Bride of Lammermoor, one of the most majestic and melancholy sea-pieces I ever saw; and some large black and white drawings of the Vision of Don Roderick, by Sir James Steuart of Allanbank (whose illustrations of Marmion and Mazeppa you have seen or heard of), are at one end of the parlour.

This, however, was only a modest curate, alias a detective.

Old Hiram did not quit me when he came for instructions alias a "dispute," without a word of inquiry touching Grace I could see that the alarm had passed among the slaves, and it was quite touching to note the effect it produced on their simple minds.

"Mr. Nickson Hilliard, this is Mr. Montagu Jerrold, alias the Dook, a blarsted Britisher," announced Green affably.

Enter Providence, alias my papawith fame in one hand and gold in the other.

" "But what," inquired Mr. Pooley, perplexedly, "has Wells Fargo to do with this business?" "Anybody that knows Bill Smith alias Jack Harpe as well as you do," spoke up Mr. Johnson, grimly, "is bound to be of interest to Wells Fargo.

Southey, writing in 1804, says: 'I have begun to take in here at Keswick the Gentleman's Magazine, alias the Oldwomania, to enlighten a Portuguese student among the mountains; it does amuse me by its exquisite inanity, and the glorious and intense stupidity of its correspondents; it is, in truth, a disgrace to the age and the country.'

The forty figures of monkeys would give the possessor a power over the divs and jinns, and having them at his command, he could easily overset the usurper, alias his uncle.

Dear SirMary has got a cold, and the nights are dreadful; but at the first indication of Spring (alias the first dry weather in Nov'r early)

THE BLACKBIRD The watering-pot, alias the Intermittent Baldpate, so called because there flows from his copper scalp when he is tilted a marvelous growth of silver hair.

The consequence was, that four divine vessels belonging to the holy fathers, alias their wives, were at this Masquerade.

13 collocations for  alias