11 collocations for appeare

Go, Iris, go and my commandment take And beate against the doores till sleepe awake: Bid him from me in vision to appeare Vnto Ascanio, that lieth slumbring heare,

These haue their heads very full of haire, and bound vp with a string: and there doth appeare a bush without the band wherewith it is bound.

'Here the Heavens open, and there appeare many deities, who in their songs expresse their agreements to these marriages'which was, no doubt, thought very satisfactory by the spectators.

Was it the worke of Nature or of Art, Which tempred so the feature of her face, That pride and meeknesse, mist by equall part, Doe both appeare t'adorne her beauties grace?

XL. Mark when she smiles with amiable cheare, And tell me whereto can ye lyken it; When on each eyelid sweetly doe appeare An hundred Graces as in shade to sit.

did I appeare a guest So infinitly worthles that you thought The fragments of thy honour good enough To sate my appetite, what other men Had with unhallowd hands prophaind?

He then, to prove whether his powre would pas As currant, sent the Foxe to them streight way, 1095 Commaunding them their cause of strife bewray; And, if that wrong on eyther side there were, That he should warne the wronger to appeare The morrow next at court, it to defend;

Through whose bright gliding current might appeare A thousand naked Nymphes, whose yuorie shine, Enameling the bankes, made them more deare Then euer was that glorious Pallas gate.

Also passing higher vp by the banke of Nilus, there is to bee seene a fayre Citie ouerflowed with water, the which at such time as Nilus floweth lyeth vnder water, but when the water returneth to the marke, there plainely appeare princely palaces, and stately pillars, being of some called Thebes, where they say that Pharao was resident.

It shall appeare beefore hee parts with us that hee hathe shewed him self no better then a coxcomb.

I looke to-morrow to be drawne before 'em; And doe you thinck, I, that have satt a Judge And drawne the thred of life to what length I pleasd, Will now appeare a Prisoner in the same place?

11 collocations for  appeare