61 collocations for appraise

Who appraises value?

Scattergood appraises the pelt of a skunk.

She was finding it mildly amusing to note how people came and went at Matocton, and to appraise these people disinterestedly, because she would never see them again.

Even among the American claimants themselves there was a wide divergence in appraising their losses, actual as well as moral.

Mr. Wells appraises Mr. Shaw.

After all the prayers for peace in our timeprayers in which even Territorials are expected to join on church paradeit appears an impious folly to appraise war as a necessity for human happiness.

No one born out of Little Arcady can appraise the revolutionary character of this circumstance at anything like its true value.

And Lord Tancred was no sensualist, given to instantly appraising the outward charm of women.

" She turned to the glass and smoothed her disordered waves and coils, while she kept her eyes fixed on Gwenda's image there, appraising her clothes, her slenderness and straightness, the set of her head on her shoulders, the air that she kept up of almost insolent adolescence.

" "I think," said Musgrave slowly, "that any love worthy of the name will always appraise the costto the woman.

"I have taken some time and trouble in order that you (so far as I am aware the only human being beside myself who knows me to be the author of Foggatt's death) shall have at least the means of appraising my crime at its just value of culpability.

I saw that she rightly appraised her own daring and felt free to say: "You see!

He came back to Paris, appraising the deserts of those men who overthrew him, proudly distinguishing amongst them, esteeming Lafayette and despising Dupin.

The dew pattered sharply about her, but the Princess was not in a mood to appraise discomfort.

You may appraise her dominion by this fact: chaste and shrewd, she had denied all to King Edward, and in consequence he could deny her nothing; so she sent him to fetch back her husband, whom she almost loved.

The records of growth of numerous persons from childhood to age are required before it can be possible to rightly appraise the effect of external conditions upon development, and records of this kind are at present non-existent.

We must learn to appraise rightly the equipment of every child and, as far as possible, of every adult to the end that they may find an environment where they can live.

And in summarizing Katie as having a good build for golf he had not properly appraised Katie's foot.

His relatives at Barcelona, merchants quick to understand and appraise a fortune, added up what the notary and his wife had left him and put with that what Labarta and the doctor had contributed, until it amounted to a million pesetas....

But none the less his eyes, as they appraised the rough garb of his guest, were envious.

We may differ, according to our difference of taste or temperament, in appraising Charles Dodgson's genius; but that that great gift was his, that his best work ranks with the very best of its kind, this has been owned with a recognition too wide and spontaneous to leave room for doubt.

The Imperial and Royal Government appraised Germany of this conception and asked for our opinion.

And we will all the pleasures prove, That come in competition's field From reckoning up the Shorthorn's "yield." To Town we'll come in modish frocks, Where swells appraise our herds and flocks, By days "in profit" great or small, All in the Agricultural Hall.

It seems, indeed, a fact sufficiently edifying that, in appraising the two legendary heroes of Poictesme, the sex of whom Jurgen esteemed himself a connoisseur, should, almost unanimously, prefer Manuel.

We need not, however, be hypercritical about distinctions; we know that the bulk of the respective provinces of nature and nurture are totally different, although the frontier between them may be uncertain, and we are perfectly justified in attempting to appraise their relative importance.

61 collocations for  appraise