472 collocations for are

What sort of pride must his be, which can dispense with inclination and preference in the lady whom he adores?What must that love Love, Sir! who talks of love?Was not merit the thing we were talking of?Have I ever professed, have I ever required of you professions of a passion of that nature?But there is no end of these debatings; each so faultless, each so full of self I do not think myself faultless, Madam:but

"What kind of a fool do you think I am?" "I see you're a bigger one than I thought you were!

What a thing he makes it to be a Minstrill! Poppea.

What use would it be on some critical day when a hostile invasion called every competent man and woman to do the work of defence absolutely necessary at the moment?

Ambler Appleyard went to bed that night wondering greatly about two mattersfirst, why Miss Slade was Miss Slade in Bayswater and Mrs. Marlow at Fullaway's office; second, if Miss Slade or Mrs. Marlow, whichever she really was, had any secrets with the mysterious Mr. Rayner.

How little it signifies what are the special duties to which we are called, how much the spirit in which we do them!

She had never before considered the possibility of the Prince having any women relatives; her heart fell as she thought what dreadful creatures they would probably prove to be.

"He's new to methat driveran' I ain't trustin' any new men these days," went on Anderson.

[Illustration: "HAPPY?"] [Illustration: "I AM HAPPY."

Ancelot, whose "good friend" she is supposed to have been, and who treats her with the same sincerity she applies to Mme.

Short indeed is this time of your dwelling here, and easy to bear for those who are so disposed; for what tyrant, or what thief, or what courts of justice are formidable to those who have thus considered as things of no value the body and the possessions of the body?

What time would you like to be hung, Sir?"

I am sure my lady herself, if she were well enough to see you, would not know the difference."

Yet as a woman thinks of the man whose wife she longs to be, Draxy had never once thought of Elder Kinney.

Be still and know the I AM God of you; and, lo, all things shall be added.

Betty was sure her uncle and Bob, in both of whom she had infinite faith, could manage this difficult task satisfactorily, though the Guerin pride was a formidable obstacle.


Wheresoever I may happen to be, I will furnish you with my address, and I wish you also to let me know where you are to be found, if you should change your residence.

Selden in his notes on Draiton's Poly Olbion, quotes him with honour; but he is entirely neglected by Philips and Winstanly, tho' he seems to have been a man of great genius: Besides Chaucer, few poets in that or the subsequent age had more real inspiration or poetical enthusiasm in their compositions.

To do the right and eschew the wrong, and that not from hope of reward or fear of punishmentin which case the right ceases to be rightbut because a man loves the right and hates the wrong; about this there is no hesitation or evasion in Mr. Maurice's writings.


Between yourselves and myself, it ain't at all healthy to sit here discussin' the matter.

* THAT WE OUGHT NOT TO BE ANGRY WITH THE ERRORS (FAULTS) OF OTHERS.Ought not then this robber and this adulterer to be destroyed?

"Wal, it's sure the trick out here.

It is astonishing how troublesome a living soul proves to be, when they try to shut it up within the narrow limits of a drowsy sect!

472 collocations for  are