21 collocations for beaded

" Perspiration beaded the forehead of Donnegan.

" MUSEUM OF NAVAHO CEREMONIAL ART, INC., SANTA FE, N.M. Atsah or eagle catching myth and Yohe or bead myth.

Priscilla bead work book no. 1.

They are skilled in the manufacture of pottery, basket-making and bead work.

* Pete's mother even in her old age beaded her eyes.

I felt my limbs tremble, the perspiration bead my face.

Well, you can do it by proceeding in this way: When you have expanded and beaded all the flues that were leaking, you will then close the throttle tight, take off the safety valve (as this is generally attached at the highest point) and fill the boiler full, as it is absolutely necessary that all the space in the boiler should be filled with cold water.

Invisible fingers wove the bridal lace, beading with diamonds the foliage of its design; or so Angela thought when first she saw the falls.

[Footnote 1: Bead his adventures as told by Washington Irving.]

Then, when the girl saw how the case stood, she called for beautiful things, such as a malaki wears,fine hemp trousers, beaded jacket, good war-shield and brass-bound spear, ear-plugs of pure ivory, and eight necklaces of beads and gold.

It clamors for quality as well as quantity; it is greedy of foaming and beaded liquors.

Smart lookin' bizness men with handsome well-dressed wives and children, then a Injun with striped blanket, beaded moccasins and head-dress of high feathers.

THE STATUES AND THE TEAR All night a fountain pleads, Telling her beads, Her tinkling beads monotonous 'neath the moon; And where she springs atween, Two statues lean Two Kings, their marble beards with moonlight strewn.

Most of them, especially the girls and young married women, wore nothing but a loin-cloth in addition to bead necklaces and bracelets.

She gained the Bitter Lakes; and the red conical buoys, like beads a-stringing, slipped on and added to the two converging dotted lines.

They tell fortunes, and they make all sorts of queer things that people like to buy; lace, and bead things.

and I mean to have glass bead windows in it.

I like amber that way, because I know how it was made, drinking the primeval weather, resinously beading each grain of its rare wood, and dripping with a plash to filter through and around the fallen cones below.

For had not a great stage manager been present and applauded until his palms were purple and perspiration beaded his beak of a nose?

She would not yet yield to the dreadful truth, yet even now terror was clutching at her throat, strangling her; and the cold drops were beading her brow.

She gazed with naïve satisfaction at the faithfulness with which her reflected appearance resembled that of the Parisian demi-mondaine whose photograph she had seen, and settled on her slim, delicately modeled shoulders the straps of shirred and beaded chiffon which apparently performed the office of keeping her dress from sliding to the floor.

21 collocations for  beaded