64 collocations for beare

, he with a certaine number of friers willing to beare him company, might conuey himselfe vnto all the countreyes of infidels.

And did I beare thee only for the fire, Was I to that end made a mother? Nero.

Fetch me a day bed, rob the earths perfumes Of all the ravishing sweetes to feast her sence; Pillowes of roses shall beare up her head; O would a thousand springs might grow in one To weave a flowry mantle o're her limbes As she lyes downe.

Furthermore men should be in very great forwardnes, if euery thinge were so well refourmed, that they were come euen unto daunses, that is to say, that all that which is corrupted, and those abuses which beare the sway among Christians were so cut off, and this so sick a body againe so wel restored to his soundnes and health, that there should remayne nothing els but to debate the question of leaping skippings and daunses.

Alq. 4 of my gentlemen shall along with him: Ile beare thy charges, soldier, to Madrid, 5 peeces of 8 a day in travell, & Lying still thou shalt have halfe that.

I beare my selfe; [Sidenote: How | so mere] (As I perchance heereafter shall thinke meet

You cannot beare so great a waight your selfe, And tis no trusting of another man.

To beare hence Beeches body in the night.

You beare a braine and memory.

O you dissemble, sir, nor are we come In hope of welcome, but with this poore head-peece To beare the brunt of all discurtesies.

Ile beare ye companie.

Well, I must smoather all these discontentes, And strive to beare a smoother countenaunce Then rugged care would willingly permit.

Tis much pitty Distraction should have roome in you; I would Not for the love you beare my daughter, have you Be discont[ent]ed here.

Will you by dying teach me to beare death With courage? 1 Rom.

Which pulses the braine, and doth confound the sence, Which makes vs rather beare those euilles we haue, Than flie to others that we know not of.

And you the Iudges beare a wary eye.

"Everyone also to beare a faggot of wood before the procession on a certain Sunday at Burford from the Quire doore going out, to the quire doore going in, and once to bear a faggot at the burning of a heretic.

when I fell willingly To show of purpose with what little hurt Might a good rider beare a forced fall.

The Curriers came so fast with fresh alarmes Of new revolts that he, unable quite To beare his feares which he had long conceal'd, Is now revolted from himselfe and fled.

I can no longer beare This flame so mortall; I have wearid heaven With my entreaties and shed teares enough To extinguish Aetna, but, like water cast On coales, they ad unto my former heate A more outragious fervor.

or any stalke Did beare a Flower!

The ashes of a mightie emperour: Upon foure corners of the base were pight*, To beare the frame, foure great lyons of gold; A worthy tombe for such a worthy wight.

Love mee, and princes shall thy pages bee; Monarchs shall lay their crownes and royalties As presents at thy feet; the Indian mynes Shall be thy ioyntures; all the worldes rich marchants Shall bring their pearles and pretious stones to thee, Sweet gums and spices of Arabia, Fine Median linnen and Barbarian silkes; The earth shall beare no fruit of raritie But thou shalt taste it.

The memory be greene: and that it vs befitted To beare our hearts in greefe, and our whole Kingdome To be contracted in one brow of woe:

But that the dread of something after death, The vndiscouered Countrey, from whose Borne No Traueller returnes, Puzels the will, And makes vs rather beare those illes we haue, Then flye to others that we know not of.

64 collocations for  beare