13 collocations for booted

Not a pulse of my heart is stirred by you, No; even your tears cannot move me now; So leave me alone, what is said is said, What boots your prayers, she is dead!

"Holy cats, boys!" snorted District Attorney Peckham to the circle of disgruntled police officers and assistants gathered about him on the occasion described by the reporters as his making a personal investigation of the case, "Why in the name of common sense didn't you simply boot the fellow into the street?

During the winter months you will find him constantly booting the football with merry shouts, and in the summer the tennis racket is seldom out of his hand.

" "Why don't he cut loose with forty or fifty thousand men and boot the French into the sea?" demanded Jeremy.

Nay, rather ask, the monarch said, What boots his hand, his heart, his head? Were what I gave removed away, Thy parts an idle shape of clay.

This one was lost, he knew, and it booted little for him to become involved where, even at the best issue, there was risk enough for him.

Madam, your heart is strangely fortified That can resist th'efforts I have made against it, And bring to boot such marks of valour too.

I am a shrewd observer, and there had been something in Tuppy's manner as he booted that plate of ham sandwiches that seemed to tell me that he would not lightly forgive.

What booted him his false usurped raygne.

"My ranks are wonderous scant," returned Milo Fitzwalter, "I may not reckon twenty men at arms in the whole train, and varlets have I none; but it boots not to number spears when danger presses; so to horse and away.

"'That ain't to say I won't be hurting you soon,' says I. 'You put the bud on them horses again, and I'll boot the spine of your back up through the top of your head till it stands out like a flag-staff.

Only in moments of emotion was Mr. Jackson in the habit of booting the basket.

" "I should add that Viscount Harberton sees a chance for his own order in the circumstance that, while the poor man's child is driven to school by the inspector, the rich man can 'boot the spy out,' and so confer on his children the priceless boon of complete illiteracy.

13 collocations for  booted