61 collocations for borned

I think you also will be merciful; you will help me to save myself from the pit that yawns just now at my feet; you will help me to prove it false, that a woman who has strayed off so far in her wilful way may not, if she be strong and truly proud, retrace her steps, to fall in at lastthough last of all the stragglerswith the happy procession of honored women,of women who have done the best they could, and borne their burden bravely.

And the child answered: Christopher, marvel thee nothing, for thou hast not only borne all the world upon thee, but thou hast borne him that created and made all the world, upon thy shoulders.

These attentions had not borne their legitimate fruit, and she was still a widow unconsoled,hence Mrs. Flannigan's tears.

Carleton had said: 'You are witnesses that we have acted in the most peaceable manner and borne the language and conduct of the United States with patience.

I myself saw her many years after, after she had (I heard) borne divers children.

He lowered his megaphone to enjoy the laughter, and the small man took this opportunity to say: "Never borne the weight of a man!

"Tout pouvoir sans bornes ne fauroit etre legitime, parce qu'il n'a jamais pu avoir d'origine legitime, car nous ne pouvons pas donner a un autre plus de pouvoir sur nous que nous n'en avons nous-memes"

England had not borne her share in the seven years' war without a considerable augmentation of the national debt, and a corresponding increase in the amount of yearly revenue which it had become necessary to raise; and Mr. Grenville, as Chancellor of the Exchequer, had to devise the means of meeting the demand.

He'd slumbered so long, that now, over his head, The tempest's artillery rolled; The tulip was shatteredthe whirl-blast had fled, And borne off its crimson and gold.

It has done double duty,not only borne this crop, but each twig has grown a foot into the air.

Had the newspapers which I read on the day which I supposed to be February 1st borne a January date, I might not then, for so long a time, have believed in special editions.

The European authorities are much to blame for the quiescent manner in which they have so long borne these depredations, and many complaints are made that Englishmen, on being transplanted to India, lose that feeling of horror for deeds of blood, such as are constantly occurring at their very doors, which they would experience in England.

'Tis suffering, 'tis sorrow nobly borne doth make the man, Beltane.

How often and how warmly did'st thou ask, With epithets of fondness, how I dar'd Imagine such a horror, and to one Present, who would have died, or borne extremes Of any hard endurance, not to give The slightest anguish to a parent's breast!

It must be confessed that these prelates, in the season of prosperity, had not borne their facilities with meekness; that the frequency of prosecutions in the ecclesiastical courts had produced irritation and hatred; and that punishments had been often awarded by those courts rigorous beyond the measure of the offence.

She greeted him with the affectionate cordiality of a mother, and asked: "How have you borne the fatigue?

Oh God! 'tis rightfor he hath never torn, With his own daring hand the thread of life He ne'er hath stolen thy privilege, or borne A fellow mortal down in murderous strife!

It was absolutely French, and rather borne French.

As Jack listened, the fragrance of flowers was in his nostrils and in intervals between Jasper Ewold's sentences he seemed to hear the rustle of borning leaf-fronds breaking the silence.


And borne unscathed through danger's stormy field Honor's white wreath and virtue's stainless shield?" HARROW.

" "I pretend not to place my poor thoughts against those of my Prince," answered the fisherman; "my fears and shame have led me to believe that it would give more pleasure to the noble and gay had a younger and happier borne away this honor.

The Lord hath shown his will and borne away Hyzyya.

But it is not to be forgotten or overlooked that those who represented the people in different capacities at the time when the alleged obligations were incurred, and to whom the charge of injustice attaches in the first instance, have also passed away and borne with them the special information which controlled their decision

What injustice had she done him, and how patiently had he borne that injustice!

61 collocations for  borned