173 collocations for bribed

That is to say, thought Elizabeth, Darcy had met, frequently met, reasoned with, persuaded, and finally bribed the man whom he always most wished to avoid, and whose very name it was punishment to him to pronounce.

She believed that he had paid to have her watched by some one who had bribed her servants.

He was the same Craddock who was tried for his life in Virginia for the slaying of the Seminole Chief, and, though he escaped, it was well known that he had corrupted the witnesses and bribed the judge.

To this he added, that it was now a notorious fact, that the captain of the Alfred, when mate of a slave-ship, had been tried at Barbados for the murder of one of the crew with whom he had sailed, but that he escaped by bribing the principal witness to disappear[A].

But those who have not money to bribe the keepers, are in a woful condition.

Who was it bribed the jury that tried you for the shooting up of Derbyville, Pedlar?

When the Marchioness heard of the death of her lover and instructor, she was desirous to have the casket, and endeavoured to get possession of it by bribing the officers of justice; but as she failed in this, she quitted the kingdom.

'Is it right to bribe people to do right?

I succeeded in bribing the water-guards at Kajana in order that you might secure the lady's release.

"To destroy my wheat, to drive off or bribe the harvest-hands, to cripple the crop yield in the Northwest; to draw the militia here; in short, to harass an' weaken an' slow down our government in its preparation against Germany.

He was avaricious, artful, and designing, and had got his share in the King's councils by bribing his women.

Five of the men most likely to be affected met together one night, and four of them signed a document, guaranteeing a fund of one million dollars for the purpose of bribing certain members of the Senate, who had already been approached, and whose names are also upon the document.

It seems that Lady Jarvis, as I am told she is since she left here, wished to have her hopeful heir made a lord, and that the two united for some six months in forming a kind of savings' bank between themselves, to enable them at some future day to bribe the minister to honor the peerage with such a prodigy.

The Dutch, as in the case of the nutmeg (see 378), endeavoured, when they gained possession of the Spice Islands, to secure a monopoly of cloves, and, so that the cultivation of the tree might be confined to Amboyna, their chief island, bribed the surrounding chiefs to cut down all trees found elsewhere.

But she did not tremble for herself, she thought only of her children and her husband; she wrote affectionate letters to the former, which she bribed her jailer to forward to their destination, but all her efforts to place herself in communication with her husband were abortive.

By his command we boldly cross'd the line, And bravely fought where southern stars arise; We traced the far-fetch'd gold unto the mine, And that which bribed our fathers made our prize.

Juana was half distracted at this speech; and running to the next house, bribed a neighbour's child by the promise of a broad-brimmed straw hat, to shade his complexion from the sun, to run for Doctor Pedrillo.

Special privileges were allowed certain individuals who had made private treaties with, or had bribed, the Spanish officials; and others were enabled to smuggle their goods in under various pretences, and by various devices; while the traders who were without such corrupt influence or knowledge found this river commerce hazardous in the extreme.

This last symptom was the most alarming of all, and going to the door he bribed a small boy with a penny to go for Dr. Murchison, and sat cowering over the fire until he came.

But two of them I drove from me, by discovering that they had no taste or knowledge in musick; three I dismissed, because they were drunkards; two, because they paid their addresses at the same time to other ladies; and six, because they attempted to influence my choice by bribing my maid.

Against Condé, Turenne, Luxembourg, and Vauban, all under the eye of the King, with a powerful train of artillery, and immense sums of money to bribe the commanders of garrisons, Holland had only to oppose twenty-five thousand soldiers, under a sickly young man of twenty-two, William, Prince of Orange.

Looking forward to Feodor's death, Boris made ready to mount the throne; and he sawwhat all other "Mayors of the Palace" climbing into the places of faineant kings have seenthat he must link to his fortunes the fortunes of some strong body in the nation; he broke, however, from the general rule among usurpersbribing the churchand determined to bribe the nobility.

He was obliged to bribe the janitor, too, because the laws of the house permitted neither animals nor babies within its precincts.

CHAPTER XXI THE YACHT "ARABELLA" As the party drove into town Colby said: "It wouldn't be a bad idea for Jones to bribe that fellow Le Drieux.

By bribing the chambermaid, perhaps; by forcing a lock; by rifling her desk, examining her private papers.

173 collocations for  bribed