25 collocations for brung

"We've brung you a birfday present," they cry; "it's a book, and we made it all our own se'ves, and all the chilluns helped and made somefin' to put in it.

So nex' day he brung her a li'l bottle of somethin' blood red wid somethin' looked like a gourd seed in de middle of it, an' he tol' her to drink hit iffen she want to be real strong.

Mammy tol' us to be more 'spectful to 'im 'cause he was us daddy, but us aint care nothin' 'bout 'im. He aint never brung us no candy or nothin'.

Then Ah huhd huh a' mekin' th' fiah an' then she brung this yeh cawfee an' she done mek it that foolish that Ah can't tech it.

Grandma and her husband was sold and brung eleven children to Crystal Springs.

Mars Dugal' wuz feelin' so kine dat he had brung up a bairl er cider, en tole

"I seen her when I brung de cows.

You see, dey was allus fussin' 'bout fust one thing, den 'nother, an' mammy got mad 'caus'n pappy slipped her clo'es out'n her ches' an' taken over to de other gals fer to dance in, an' when he brung' em back mammy would see finger prints on' em

I brung him water an' fed an' cur'ied his hoss an' put his saddle on de hoss fer him.

Miz Bence, she cain't come down this morningyou'll have to git somebody to tend her looms till noon; Pap, he's sick, and she has obliged to wait on himso I brung the new gal.

"Cap'n Wegg brung the Huckses with him when he settled here.

"Barry," he said slowly, "it was your bullet that brung down Jerry; but you've paid me back here.

"Nex' time she come, she brung a written letter to Miss Margurite frum de Free Man's Board an' taken me wid her.

"One day I was out in de quarters when he brung back old man Joe from runnin' away.

He brung us meal an' 'taters when dad broke his leg, and he fetched oranges in his pocket when marm had the fevers.

Cap'n Sam'l here, he brung me some wonderful medicine.

They brung the news to her and they wouldn't let her come to me.

Sez she, "Look at Aaron Burr and Lord Baconsfield," and she brung up a number more for me to look at mentally, whilst I wuz drapin' my mantilly round my frame in graceful folds.

"Wen my Pappy kum home from de war, he war on de "Govmint" side he brung a pistol back wid him dat shot a ball dey hed caps on hit en used dese in de war.

But as she said the word Silence it brung up sunthin' I had read that very day, and I sez: "Dear, did you ever hear of enterin' into the Silence?"

He brung us meal an' 'taters when dad broke his leg, and he fetched oranges in his pocket when marm had the fevers.

"Yes, John and Marthy and Evy and t' other seven young uns, take the look of your life at that 'ere angel messenger that brung me the good tidings of great joy; that lifted me up out of the pit of darkness on to the mountain-tops whar I now sojourn.

I brung him water an' fed an' cur'ied his hoss an' put his saddle on de hoss fer him.

Dey brung his body all de way from Richmond, or Virginny, I fergit which, and lawzy, if de Cunel an' de Miss didn' take on somethin' awful.

"Well, I've brung ye up, hain't I?"

25 collocations for  brung