50 collocations for bumping

The encounter took place just outside the stronghold of the enemy, the Birchite so far getting the best of it that at the end of a five minutes' engagement he proclaimed his victory by dragging his adversary along by the collar and bumping his head a number of times against the very gates of Horace House.

To the inquiry of the officer in charge, Pen lamely explained that he had bumped his nose into something hard in a poorly lighted passageway.

As I sit writing in my study, I can hear our Jane bumping her way downstairs with a brush and dust-pan.

In the small chamber of the mine, choked with the smell of stale betel, he bumped Heywood's elbow.

Where it bumps the rocks it's obstinate and pig-headed; where it leaps the little shelves of slate it's merry and playful; where it sweeps silently between the curving banks it is sulky and resentful.

The sleigh rolled and bumped over one fallen tree after another.

The guy that bumped Grigsley.

"Must be nearly bumping the ice by now; but at such a time as this one takes risks," he muttered.

Sometimes I would startle from sleep, horrified to the heart at some sound of exploding iceberg, or bumping floe, noising far through that white mystery of quietude, where the floes and bergs were as floating tombs, and the world a liquid cemetery.

you are going to have an attack of some sort; *se con la cabeza* bump one's head *datar* date *de* of; from; as; by; at; with; with inf.

you are going to have an attack of some sort; *se con la cabeza* bump one's head *datar* date *de* of; from; as; by; at; with; with inf.

You can't bribe me to stand around while you bump off Donnegan.

I did not like the looks of the thing from the first, and my early impressions did not improve when, as we bumped off the drive on to the pavé, the screen suddenly detached itself from its perch and flopped into our laps.

Yes, as the submarine bumped the edge of an ice-floe, a point of land showed plainly to port.

"Pills (the surgeon) told me that I'll have to be careful and not let anything bump this face for days to come," remarked Dave, pointing to the strip of adhesive plaster that neatly covered his injury.

Rudolph, fumbling at side-bolt and pulling trigger, felt the end of a ladder bump his forehead, saw turban and mediaeval halberd heave above him, and without time to think of firing, dashed the muzzle of his gun at the climber's face.

" "Whenever you want to bump Jimmie good and plenty," laughed Jack, "all you need to do is to tamper with his rations.

I'll take and bump your two hearts together.

Using the iron bars they had brought with them for the purpose, they began their task, bumping the iron down upon each individual stone in the hope of eliciting the hollow sound that was to reveal the presence of the treasure-chamber.

" "Whenever you want to bump Jimmie good and plenty," laughed Jack, "all you need to do is to tamper with his rations.

"Bother it!" cried the small, sandy-haired boy, who had bumped his knee rushing from the table to his place; "why didn't you make more noise when you came in?"

"I'd bump the lot of you for two pins," said the disappointed Mr. Russell, longingly.

By the time he left, I am told, he had bumped off almost all the members of his family.

" Grace said she was not bored and Kit, gaining confidence, narrated how they bumped the Rio Negro across the surf-swept shoals, landed the guns, and met Alvarez.

He could hardly see, and he had run into several trees, and bumped his nose a number of times.

50 collocations for  bumping