24 collocations for buoys

With Patsy out of the field it was quite possible the estate would be divided between her cousins, or even go entire to one or the other of them; and this hope constantly buoyed their spirits and filled their days with interest as they watched the fight between their aunt and their cousin.

They had cooked for him a delicate dinner, brought him fruit, and were using every means by which they could keep up his spirits and buoy up his hopes, confidently assuring him the white men would not yield him up to his ferocious foes.

Mithridates tried to buoy up his sinking cause, attracting debtors by the remission of debts, resident aliens by the gift of the citizenship of the towns which they inhabited, and slaves by the promise of freedomdevices of a desperate man.

" "If the truth were known, I believe, commodore, you have buoyed out the channel!"

However, the prospect of a small commission from Craig & Son buoyed up his natural cheerfulness.

The sites of many a familiar spot were ascertained, but nothing could be found on which even a spar might be anchored, to buoy out a lost community.

Lenore felt this, and that buoyed up her failing courage.

" This hopefulness that the fine weather would end the war quickly was a splendid superstition which buoyed up many hearts in France.

I have the real American spirit, which makes me believe myself as good as anybody, and you know my family name is one to buoy up that impression.

He had small, bright, brown eyes, with little lines about them that seemed to suggest humor, but actually indicated that he buoyed up his life not by exaltation of himself, but by half-laughing depreciation of every one else.

The vacant lands were sold, warrants for a hundred acres costing forty dollars in specie; but later on, towards the close of the war, Virginia tried to buoy up her mass of depreciated paper currency by accepting it nearly at par for land warrants, thereby reducing the cost of these to less than fifty cents for a hundred acres.

But just then it happened, fortunately, that the remnant of the biplane began to settle more positively than before, warning him that it was folly to pin any hope on its buoying him up more than a few minutes at most.

Well, when I see all that such trust has buoyed mother over, I wish to goodness I had it: I take more after Martha.

Nine A.M.At about eight we heaved anchor, having carefully buoyed this very awkward passage.

No attempt was made to stop any of the leaks, except the one just stated, but a deck above the lacerations was made water-tight, and this, together with the sides of the ship hanging down, formed a kind of diving bell, the pressure of air in which, caused by the water outside, acting on this deck, being the principal means of buoying up the ship, assisted by the buoyancy of the two water-tight compartments.

In regions waste beyond the Jordan's flood: 820 Unfortunately brave to buoy the state; But sinking underneath his master's fate: In exile with his godlike prince he mourn'd; For him he suffer'd, and with him return'd.

"The wind will be at your back and buoy your steps.

His ambition, coupled with a laudable desire to succeed, had buoyed up his strength until the final graduation day had passed.

That they grew up at all was largely due to their being turned out as soon as they could walk into an air that buoyed the entire nervous and circulatory systems almost above the need of any other stimulant.

I will descend to thee, And buoy thee up.

There is no elaboration in the apparatus beyond that necessary to show the operation of buoying the vessel over the obstructions.

A minute's observation convinced Frank, however, that if they waited for this to happen, the frail support which was buoying Casper Blue and his mate up would have gone under long long before they could get within touch.

The water buoyed a weight which he could not otherwise have budged; he stumbled in the shoaling gravel to his knees, rose again lifting and straining, until blackness rushed across his eyes; and he pitched forward on his face.

It not only rose itself, but helped to buoy up its unfortunate brother.

24 collocations for  buoys