19 collocations for butted

Then she would butt her woolly head among the pillows, until it was covered with feathers sticking out in all directions.

One or two of the latter run toward it; one throws himself flat on his face and butts the ball back.

She feigned to obey, and dropping out of sight, crawled forth past the policeman's boots, with her head almost butting the calves of a slow-moving yeoman farmer.

A little after, I fired at a third on the same spot; he ran forty yards, and, falling, groaned fearfully: this at once brought on a number of the others to butt their dying comrade, according to their benevolent custom.

Then his mother nursed him, and as the new milk warmed his stomach he gained sufficient assurance of his footing to wiggle his tail and to butt the feverish caked udder with his velvety muzzle.

What a chance here lost for a situation of the Goat behind curtains butting Claude Frollo!

"You want him to butt some hay?" said the horse.

But before they could rise Hefty set his teeth, and with a gurgle of joy butted his iron helmet into McCluire's back and sent him flying forward into a snow-bank.

Yes, good God, she's marrying beneath her; some blockhead will be butting ina blockhead, the son of a blockhead!

'T wouldn't take my team more 'n half a minute to butt the life out o' Tom's team.

The French butted the line six miles east of Sezanne, in the forests of La Fere and Champenoise.

hym so yt he maye be a presydent for them that shall have the offyce; for they wyll but jess att itt, and saye it is butt a mony matter: therefore lett them paye well for the penaltie whiche was sett on theire heads.

The only problem is, whether our general is going to strike with his right arm at Mitchell's Ford, his left arm at this very Warrenton road we are on, or whether he means to butt the middle of the line of Beauregard's battle to break him into two pieces?" "What would Frederick the Great or Napoleon do?"

A cloud of dust rose thick in the air, stirred up by the busy feet and snouts of the multitude, and grunts and squeals were loud and frequent as a frisky party of younglings in their play would heedlessly bump up against some short-tempered old boar, who in his turn would angrily butt a too venturesome rival in the wind and send him, expostulating noisily, down the hill!

Farther on they met a sheep, which was butting a rock.

Had I run on for a few more minutes in the dark, I should have butted my shako against the wall.

He lived his life much as he walked the streets of Boston,not quite gracefully, nor yet statelily, but with quick, strong, solid step, with sagacious eyes wide open, and thrusting his broad shoulders a little forward, as if butting away the throng of evil deeds around him, and scattering whole atmospheres of unwholesome cloud.

There was a large zebra, apparently ill-tempered, which showed his anger by running at and butting every animal that came in his way.

You can't butt your way through solid stone.

19 collocations for  butted