11 collocations for centralize

The kings of England seem to have centralized around their thrones more power than other European monarchs until the time of the Crusades, when they were checked, not so much by nobles as by Act of Parliament.

It may be thought by some that Manuel acted wisely in centralizing the naval administration of his empire; but the great number, the small size, and the relative position of many of the Greek islands with regard to the prevailing winds render the permanent establishment of naval stations at several points necessary to prevent piracy.

" It was Philip the Fair who, wishing to centralize the scattered efforts of these societies, established at Malines, in 1493, a sovereign chamber, of which he appointed his chaplain, Pierre Aelters, sovereign prince.

Manuel and Otho ruined the navy of Greece by their unwise measures of centralization; Pericles, by prudently centralizing the maritime forces of the various states, increased the naval power of Athens, and gave additional security to every Greek ship that navigated the sea.

It has already fallen down in some respects, and it has become necessary to centralize certain functions, quite as it has become desirable in several of our own matters.

It centralized thirteen different nations, which had had no political history in common, except to have groaned under Austrian rule.

It is the nature of prosperous communities, and the fashion of modern times, to centralize too much their numbers and their powers.

After the death of Alexis, a few more years are given to the Czar to follow out his improvements, centralize his throne, and extend his territories both on the Baltic and in the East.

Encouraged by this first step, Law reiterated to the Regent that the credit of bankers and merchants decupled their capital; if the state became the universal banker, and centralized all the values in circulation, the public fortune would naturally be decupled.

(How to centralize attention.)

Plenty of Art, I grant you, Sir; now, then, for vast libraries, and for mighty scholars and thinkers and statesmen,five for every Boston one, as the population is to ours,ten to one more properly, in virtue of centralizing attraction as the alleged metropolis,and not call our people provincials, and have to come begging to us to write the lives of Hendrik Hudson and Gouverneur Morris!

11 collocations for  centralize