35 collocations for cleped

Of Kyng Alisandre: and wherfore the Emperour of Ynde is clept Prestre John.

And that other is clept Tigris, that rennethe be Assirye and be Armenye the grete.

Of the Ryalle estate of Prestre John; and of a riche man, that made a marveyllous Castelle, and cleped it Paradys; and of his Sotyltee.

And whan I was there, hire Emperour had to name Thiaut; so that he was clept Thiaut Chane.

There was once a certain, or rather uncertain, bard, ycleped Robert Burns, who made a number of good songs; but this that the Laird sang was an amorous song of great antiquity, which, like all the said bard's best songs, was sung one hundred and fifty years before he was born.

* This noble king, this Tartre Cambuscan Hadde two sones by Elfeta his wif, Of which the eldest sone highte Algarsif That other was ycleped Camballo.

At Sarra, in the lond of Tartarie, Ther dwelt a king that werreied Russie, Through which ther died many a doughty man: This noble king was cleped Cambuscan Which in his time was of so great renoun That ther n' as no wher in no regioun, So excellent a lord in alle thing: * * * *

Out of consideration therefore to the reader, we will suppose ourselves disembarked at Louisville, with the intention of travelling inland to visit the leviathan wonderthe would-be rival to Niagara,yclept "The Mammoth Cave."

And the beste cytee of that contree is clept Chorasme.

Still one had pleasure in going over it, and peeping into the little book-room, ycleped the "Poet's Den," from which so much true poetry had issued to delight and amuse mankind.

And when the king of the city, which was cleped Estorause, saw the fellowship, he asked them of whence they were, and what thing it was that they had brought upon the table of silver.

In heaven, ycleped EUPHROSYNE; And by men, heart-easing Mirth.

return to my narration, I had half a mind to send for a Miss Harris there is here, to learn the most approved fashion of a lady preferring a suit, but as fame said she was just now practising on a certain hero ycleped Captain Jarvis, heir to Sir Timo of that name, it struck me her system might be rather too abrupt, so I was fain to adopt the best planthat of trusting to nature and my own feelings for words.

The damsel, ycleped Louisa, made rather a shame-faced obeisance, and her old grandmother went on to inform me that she had only lately been forgiven by the overseer for an attempt to run away from the plantation.

And that Place he clept Paradise.

Amongst them one, ycleped Paridell (The falsest thief that ever trod on ground), Robb'd me, and with him stole away my wife.

Upon a winged Horse, ycleped Pegasus, Swift as the fiery Racers of the Sun,I flyI flySee how I mount, and cut the liquid Sky.

And in the moste highe place of Paradys, evene in the myddel place, is a welle, that castethe out the 4 flodes, that rennen be dyverse londes: of the whiche, the first is clept Phison or Ganges, that is alle on: and it rennethe thorghe out Ynde or Emlak: in the whiche ryvere ben manye preciouse stones, and mochel of lignum aloes, and moche gravelle of gold.

Aftre is the kyngdom of Mesopotayme, that begynnethe toward the est, to the flom of Tygre, unto a cytee that is clept Moselle: and it strecchethe toward the west, to the flom of Eufrate, unto a cytee that is clept Roianz: and in lengthe

From that kyngdom comen men, in returnynge, to another yle, that is clept Rybothe: and it is also under the grete Chane.

And the princypalle cytee of Comenye is clept Sarak, that is on of the 3 weyes for to go in to Ynde: but be the weye, ne may not passe no gret multytude of peple, but zif it be in wyntre.

The following is part of the notice in the London Daily News: "We are, unfortunately, ignorant of Little Susy's Six Birthdays, but if that book be anything like as good as the charming volume before us by the same author, ycleped Little Lou's Sayings and Doings, it deserves an extraordinary popularity....

He is also the custodian, I believe, of the three hundred thousand stand of arms ordered by Kossuth for the purpose of "whipping" Russia and Austria, and establishing the Republic of Hungary, unless by accident he found brains enough to become a Hungarian Louis Napoleon; but Mr. Law's other vessel, called the "Crescent City," and the Cuban Black Douglas, yclept "Purser Smith," are perhaps better known.

only excelled by that gigantic conception of Messrs. Cobden and Co., yclept the Peace Society, upon which such a bloody comment was enacted before Sevastopol.

Striking up in a north-easterly direction through a labyrinth of narrow streets, we emerged at the Rue des Fontaines, just in front of that famous second-hand market yclept the Temple.

35 collocations for  cleped