10 collocations for clumps

We'll make for yonder clump o' bushes and lay by till it's past.

Why, I've knowed 'em to hide behind a brown-bush, clump er cactus, or a rock, so mighty cunnin' thet ther ain't one scout in fifty would see 'em, let alone a stranger.

"One o' your boys was pulling its tail this morning, and I want you to clump his 'ead for 'im." "Which one was it?" ses Joe.

For his family's sake he had moved into town, a ruddy, rufous-bearded, clumping fellow, intelligent, kindly.

He clumped the length of the tiny storeroom and back again; one crippled leg all but dragging.

Now his heels clumped out a slow and regular death march, as he came back to the room.

The road led along a fairly good track among rice-fields, whence the sloping sun glinted its maddening reflection, but here and there clumps of walnutsthe fruit just at the pickling stagecast a broad cool shadow, in which one lingered to pant and mop a heated brow e'er plunging out again into the grievous white sunlight.

"You're wanted upstairs a minute, Joe," he said; and the two went clumping up the wide old oaken staircase.

We'll make a willow wigwam to sleep in, you and I, jist in yon clump o' trees, not a stone's-throw to our right, where we'll have a run o' pure water beside us, and be near our buffalo at the same time.

"They don't see us yit, I guess," said Joe, as he and his companions drove the horses into a hollow between the grassy waves of the prairie, "an' if we only can escape their sharp eyes till we're in yonder clump o' willows, we're safe enough.

10 collocations for  clumps