6 collocations for conceit

This man would be taking a liking to a snuff-box that he had inherited; and that gentlewoman might conceit a favourite chemise that had descended to her.

Some to conceit alone their taste confine, And glitt'ring thoughts struck out at every line; Pleased with a work where nothing's just or fit; One glaring chaos and wild heap of wit.

If he have done any thing that has passed with applause, he is always re-acting it alone, and conceits the extasy his hearers were in at every period.

If thou hadst done it, I'd have justified it; But, Richard, I conceit this jest already: This mad-mate Skink, this honest merry knave, Meeting this Pursuivant, and hearing tell He had a warrant to reprieve a slave Whom we would hang, stole it away from him.

But in those long nights when Gustav Vasa listened to the hungry wolves howling in the woods and nosing about his retreat, it was hardly kingly conceits his mind brooded over.

The godly prior of St. Mark will discipline her imagination till she shall conceit the Neapolitan a Moor and an infidel.

6 collocations for  conceit