33 collocations for conspired

But 'tis that Shape, and not thy Nature frights me, That calls the blood out of my panting Heart, That Traytor Heart that did conspire thy death.

"Now you must admit that this compound group of coincidences, all conspiring to a single endthe enrichment of John Blackmorehas a very singular appearance.

At last the doctor hit upon the expedient of transferring me to a room more remote from my inspiring, and, I may say, conspiring, companion.

"Everie person so conspiring covenantinge swearing or offendinge ... shall forfeyt for the firste offence tenne pounds ... or twentie dayes ymprisonment" with bread and water; for the second offence, twenty pounds or the pillory, and for the third offence forty pounds, or the pillory and lose one of his ears.

Soon afterwards Sir John Gell, Colonel Eusebius Andrews, and Captain Benson, were arraigned on the charge of conspiring the destruction of the government established by law.

Who knows not how to oppose or to comply Unjust to grant, or dangerous to deny! How near, in this dark juncture, Israel's fate, Whose peace one sole expedient could create, Which yet the extremest virtue did require, 590 Even of that prince whose downfall they conspire!

Did Fabius and your father Scipio (Whose daughter my son married) nothing do? Fabricii, Coruncani, Curii; Whose courage, counsel, and authority, The Roman commonwealth restored did boast, Nor Appius, with whose strength his sight was lost, 120 Who when the Senate was to peace inclined With Pyrrhus, shew'd his reason was not blind, Whither's our courage and our wisdom come When Rome itself conspires the fate of Rome?

How Night and Day conspire a secret flight; For Day, they say, is gone away by Night.

If we remember, besides, the movement which is beginning to be wrought in the religious societies and the churchesa movement which cannot fail to be soon complete, we shall know on what to rely concerning the fate which awaits a social iniquity against which are at once conspiring the follies of its friends; and the indignation of its foes.

As flames roll'd by the winds' conspiring force, O'er full-ear'd corn, or torrent's raging course Bears down th'opposing oaks, the fields destroys, And mocks the ploughman's toil, th'unlook'd for noise From neighb'ring hills th'amazed shepherd hears; Such my surprise, and such their rage appears.

J'ai conspiré comme le paratonnerre conspire avec le nuage pour désarmer la foudre.

In short, good air and freedom, and no medicine, had conspired with the lessons of disappointment to give him, before he died, a glimpse of the power to be pleased.

From Spain she went to England, organizing there the French exiles into a strength which frightened Richelieu; thence to Holland, to conspire nearer home; back to Paris, on the minister's death, to form the faction of the Importants; and when the Duke of Beaufort was imprisoned, Mazarin said, "Of what use to cut off the arms while the head remains?"

Should all the Legions and the provinces, In one united, against me conspire I could disperce them with one angry eye; My brow's an host of men.

110 That such a Boy where'er he lists shall go In your despite, and sing his hymns and saws, Which is against the reverence of our laws!' XVII "From that day forward have the Jews conspired Out of the world this Innocent to chase; 115 And to this end a Homicide they hired, That in an alley had a privy place,

Scarcely was Louis the Debonnair dead, when Lothaire was already conspiring against young Charles, and was in secret alliance, for his despoilment, with Pepin II., the late king of Aquitaine's son, who had taken up arms for the purpose of seizing his father's kingdom, in the possession of which his grandfather Louis had not been pleased to confirm him.

" From Shirley we learn that the apprentices took their pleasure in the mild form of treating their sweethearts to cream and prunes: "You have some festivals, I confess, but when They happen, you run wild to the next village, Conspire a knot and club your groats apiece For cream and prunes, not daring to be drunk.

"You were still conspiring to fix upon my government the crime of interfering in the private affairs of another nationwith the crime of providing, by a treacherous and despicable route, the money needed by the revolutionary party of China.

What wrath of gods, or wicked influence Of starres conspiring wretched men t'afflict, Hath powrd on earth this noyous pestilence, That mortall mindes doth inwardly infect With love of blindnesse and of ignorance, 485 To dwell in darkenesse without sovenance?

"The first step is to speak well of the man in her presence; the Kraal conspire to praise himher mother praises himall the admirers of his cattle praise himhe was never so praised before.

Nature and circumstances conspired the result.

Not content with conspiring in the Louvreunder the very roof which shelters their sovereignthey conspire also in their own palaces, by the glare of tapers as busily as in the shade.

Nay, it would be nothing unnatural, though the most determined novel-reader would be shocked at its improbability, if all the hero's enemies, while they were conspiring his ruin were to be struck dead together by a lucky flash of lightning: yet many denouements which are decidedly unnatural, are better tolerated than this would be.

He startled his dissembling and conspiring Secretary of War with the sudden questions, "Mr. Floyd, are you going to send recruits to Charleston to strengthen the forts?"

In 1802 there were capital convictions of fourteen insurgent or conspiring slaves in six scattered counties of Virginia; and panicky reports of uprisings were sent out from Hartford and Bertie Counties, North Carolina.

33 collocations for  conspired