582 collocations for costs

"Then suddenly the great idea that was to bring him success, and cost him his life, came to him.

A trousseau like Alma's cost a thousand dollars, if it cost a cent.

I've done't, I've done't; Pox on him, it cost me five hundred pounds though: Here 'tis, my Solicitor brought it me this Evening.

But soap and hot water do cost money and washing takes time, and the modern habit of brushing teeth has not yet been acquired by all classes of the community.

"All this," said he, "costs a great deal, it is true; but I am paid for it by the additional price."

Henshaw's manner was now the quintessence of insolence, but Gifford could afford, although it cost him an effort, to ignore it.

" "If it's the money, Harry, maybe I can" "If it didn't cost a cent, I wouldn't have it.

It'd cost Mrs. Hopewell a pretty good sum, and be a real disappointment to her, if after all we didn't find that good-for-nothing nephew of hers, Roland Chase.

But the opposition press justly ridiculed the pretensions of the alleged concession, as the precarious and barren result of a mission costing several million of francs.

But wouldn't it cost a lot of money?"

The War had cost 700 milliard francs, and the claims for damage to persons and property amounted to at least 350 milliards for all the Allies together.

last Week I pawn'd my best Petticoat, as I hope to wear it again, it cost me six and twenty shillings besides Making; then this Morning my new Norwich Mantua followed, and two postle Spoons, I had the whole dozen when you came first; but they dropt, and dropt, till I had only Judas left for my Husband.

The former, by lawful means and by his great abilities, raised himself from a private station to the dukedom of Milan, and maintained with but little difficulty what had cost him so much trouble to acquire.

But the sacrifice cost our matron no pain, no regrets, no thought even: The same attachments which made her happy, away from the world, in the wilderness where she dwelt, supplanted all other feelings, and left her no room, or leisure, to think of such vanities.

The outfit for a modern daily will cost a small fortune.

Therefore God was, even in Egypt, a God of love, who desired the good of man, who would do justice for those who were unjustly treated, even though it cost his love a pang; for none can believe that God is pleased at having to punish, pleased at having to destroy the works of his own hands, or the creatures which he has made.

" Even then I refused to believe in what was as yet no more than a suspicion, and Sergeant Corney said, impatiently: "It won't cost you much time to find out for yourself, lad.

Since it reposed in the strong box at the Chateau of Blanzy, it has cost him five men.

Many were sorry that they had acquiesced in the policy, as it cost them thousands of dollars, and made many poor.

But that which thou hast done to me, Zaide, shall cost thee dear; And happy would thy lot have been hadst thou

Indeed, there are few instances of ancient superstition some portion of which has not been preserved, and not unfrequently have they been adopted by men of otherwise good understanding, who plead in excuse, that they are innoxious, cost little, and if they can do no good, they can do no harm.

The Subscription for this monument, which cost eleven hundred guineas, was begun by the LITERARY CLUB.

It would cost them some labor to repair the damage he did, but there was plenty of food and it was warm.

From the cellar in Holborn a move was made to a better room, costing half a crown a week; and then, within little more than a year from the commencement, a house and shop were taken at a rent of £26 a year.

I must frankly own, that if I had known, beforehand, that this book would have cost me the labour which it has, I should never have been courageous enough to commence it.

582 collocations for  costs