3 collocations for coulde

First the occasions which thrust them forwarde to do it, was such a great ioy which they had conceaued of the fauoure which God had shewed to them, that they coulde not conceale, or kepe hidden, but needes must manifest it, & let it abroad, by all the meanes and wayes that they could inuent or deuise.

it makes a coward a Hector: the Greekes and Troians drinke no other; and that and a wench (for theres the divell out) made um cuffe ten yeares together, till at length when they had bled more than they coulde drinke they grew sober, the contented Cuckold tooke his wife home againe and all were good frends.

I coulde nowe Wishe a stronge packthread had stytchd up my lips

3 collocations for  coulde