19 collocations for countermanded

Then, after we had crossed the Neva, I countermanded my order to the man, saying "Don't go right up to the station.

The sentry, seeing these soldiers arrive, halted, but at the moment when he was going to challenge them with a qui-vive, the Adjutant-Major seized his arm, and, in his capacity as the officer empowered to countermand all instructions, ordered him to give free passage to the 42d, and at the same time commanded the amazed porter to open the door.

I would rather be a galley-slave than go through the rubbish; so away with it, and countermand the cart which you say is coming; but pray let me hear no more complaints on this subject.

But, notwithstanding the apparent certainty of a continuance of his amicable relations with England, whether it were that this fatal intelligence operated upon the bodily health of the King, or that his hasty journey homeward had overtaxed his strength, it is certain that on reaching Fontainebleau he had so violent an attack of fever as to be compelled to countermand the council which had been convened for the third day after his arrival.

He would have to countermand the dinner which he had ordered over half an hour before, and he would have to explain who he was to those other servants who had always regarded him as such a great gentleman.

"I was so fair an object; Whom fortune made my king, my love made subject; He found by proof the privilege of beauty, That it had power to countermand all duty.

Witnesse myselfe: Since first the booke of your perfections Was brought so neare than I might read it ore, I have read in it charmes to countermand All my enchantments and enforce mee stoop To begge your love.

Pacheco was convinced by these arguments that he had acted wrong, and immediately sent to countermand the execution.

In the meanwhile one of the two majors countermanded a journey which he was going to undertake on that day, and promised us his co-operation.

And may the subject countermand the king? JULIO.

But, alarmed at the angry state of the people, he fortified Boston Neck,the only land approach to the city, and countermanded the meeting.

The news reached Warwick too late for him to countermand the messages he had sent to his friends on the king's behalf.

The interview was a lengthy one, and the urbanity of the Queen produced so powerful an effect upon the mind of the finance minister that he ceased to apprehend any diminution of his influence, and accordingly sent to countermand the return of the Duc de Rohan, who had already advanced a day's march towards the capital.

On another occasion, later in the bombardment, when Madero insisted that the Federal artillery should use explosive shells against the Citadel, General Huerta did not hesitate to take it upon himself to countermand the President's suggestions to Colonel Navarrete, the Federal chief of artillery.

Tuesday, June 27.Being still hopeful of achieving the pass over into the Sind, we struck camp early yesterday and marched down to Lidarwat, only to find that the party which we knew had camped there with a view to crossing, had given up the idea and retreated down the valley; so I sent a swift messenger to countermand the three days' supply of "rassad" which I had ordered from Pahlgam for my men, and we marched on to Aru.

By countermanding a tiara?" "You know I'm not such a fool as you pretend!"

They rushed onward to the city; and even the general, who was instructed by Ivan to countermand the attack, in vain attempted to restrain them.

"Of course," she explained to him, "I understand how little we've got to spend; but I left New York without a rag, and it was you who made me countermand my trousseau, instead of having it sent after us.

I believe, at least I hear afterward, that Mr. Parker, whose spirits go on rising with the steady speed of quicksilver in fine weather, declines to allow his guests to depart, countermands their carriages, bribes their servants, and, in short, reaches the pitch of joyfully confident faith to which all things seem not only possible, but extremely desirable, and in whose eyes the mango-tree feat would appear but a childish trifle.

19 collocations for  countermanded