41 collocations for crumbled

Have little pieces of bread cut round, about the size of a shilling; moisten them with stock; put them into a tureen and pour the soup over without shaking, for fear of crumbling the bread, which would spoil the appearance of the soup, and make it look thick.

Thence he walked across an open space, passed beneath the remnant of a gateway into a court and, crossing the court, threaded his way through a network of narrow alleys between crumbling mud walls.

She spilled her cocoa, she dropped her knife, she crumbled her gingerbread, and she clattered her cup and saucer.

"Not that they can touch your cooking here, Miss Lulu," he said, settling himself to wait, and crumbling a crust.

And then" He made a despairing gesture, as of a man crumbling dust between his fingers.

rock piled on rock: Roots, and crumbling earth, and stones!

Its furniture was still standingeven to the tarnished gilt leather battledores, and crumbling feathers of shuttlecocks in the nursery, which told that children had once played there.

Do not crumble food about your plate, nor in any avoidable way soil the table linen.

Thus the clerical establishment gradually crumbled [Footnote 1: Journals of Lords, vi. 389; of Commons, Jan. 20, 1644.

But the utter desolation of life without her had crumbled the foundation of that determination.

while each day blackens with fresh clouds, Complaints of ague, fever, crumbling huts, Of land thrown out to the forest, game and keepers, Bailiffs and barons, plundering all alike; Need, greed, stupidity: To clear such ruin Would task the rich prime of some noble hero But can I nothing do? Wal.

The moral peripetythe sudden dissipation of some illusion, or defeat of some imposture, or crumbling of some castle in the airis a no less characteristic incident of real life, and much more amenable to the playwright's uses.

The base of this arctic region is girdled by a belt of crumbling lava measuring about 1000 feet in vertical breadth, and is mostly free from snow in summer.

" He crumbled a lump of clay in his palm.

The first rains fell on raw, crumbling moraines and rocks without a plant.

De Caylus kept nervously crumbling a note in his fingers.

To tear it from our lives would be to unravel the fair tapestry of civilizationto run out its golden threads and crumble its beautiful pictures into chaos.

Was he not always asserting his authority in some fashion over her, crumbling away her resistance piece by piece till at last he could stride in all-conquering and take possession?

Roland declared that he could blow his horn Olivant loud enough to bring down the palace; Ogier, that he could crumble the principal pillar to dust in his grasp; and Oliver, that he could marry the princess in spite of her father.

Little yellow was to be seen, but with his strong fingers he crumbled the rotten quartz away till both hands were filled with glowing yellow.

Far beneath lay the red-roofed city, its devious lanes and its many great churches,crumbling relics of ancient ecclesiastical power,distinctly visible.

The reef is of circular shape; the surface is formed principally of a rotten, crumbling coral rock and was destitute of shells or any animal production except the beche de mer: of which the black sort (batoo) appeared the most abundant.

"I don't know what a thorough gentleman is, I dare say," assented Mrs. Laudersdale, indifferently, with no spirit for repartee, breaking an egg and putting it down, crumbling a roll, and finally attacking a biscuit, but gradually raising the siege, yawning, and leaning back in her chair.

The Palatine Hill lay full of green gardens, and, in crumbling temple-roofs, the blooming death-garland of ivy was gnawing, and living ranunculi still glowed around sunken capitals.

Leaving our automobile in charge of the chauffeur, we cautiously made our way over the bridge into the city of Termonde, or what was once Termonde, for it is difficult to dignify with the name of city a heap of battered buildings and crumbling brickan ugly scar upon the landscape.

41 collocations for  crumbled