150 collocations for dat

Mars Jeems, w'en he offer' one er his niggers dat much money.

"Now it happen dat one er de niggers on de nex' plantation, one er ole Mars Henry Brayboy's niggers, had runned away de day befo', en tuk ter de swamp, en ole Mars Dugal' en some er de yuther nabor w'ite folks had gone out wid dere guns en dere dogs fer ter he'p 'em hunt fer de nigger; en de han's on our own plantation wuz all so flusterated dat

Spec you mind dat time when all dese yer folks lib'd acrost de lake dat summer, an' massa was possessed to 'most lib dar too?

Mus' be more, come soon pretty quick now; else he don' howl dat way.

He stum'le in de dark; but dat good

I'll tell 'im dat you ladies 'quired fer 'im." Sandy made another deep bow, and held his hat in his hand until the carriage had moved away.

Not dat it war Mahs' John's cohn dat he was stealin', but he knowed well 'nuf dat Mahs' John take jes' as much car' o' he neighbus cohn as he own.

Taking Robert aside, he said: "I dun tole yer, Mass Robert, dat a calamity war comin'.

I gets so stupid after a while, dat massa threatens to sell me way down whar dey works de niggars up; and I gets so, I don't care how much dey whips me, or anyting else, for I tinks I neber be mysef again, when one day massa takes me wid him down to de boats, to fotch de cotton, and I hears de captain ask, what ail dat fellow to look so blue, and massa tells him, I got a notion dat

But ole mis' say, no, Chloe ain' dat kin'er gal, en dat Mars' Dugal' sh'd buy Jeff back.

I don' know whether I'll ever see dat money agin

She gwine to hurt dat little gal more'n she hurt anybody else.

He's very hard, dat ole man.

"I reckon I can; but ef I do they'll shu' ah' find it out, and den I'se don, 'cos Marsa Hintonhe's in de cavalryhe'll guess dat it was me dat tuk you 'uns dar.

First der is dey fact you gant run out, dat dere is alreaty on deh Sugar vagon deh piggest load of chuicy suckers dat efer game in from deh suppurbs.

"Her ha'nt is settin' ober yander on de udder side er de branch, unner dat wilier-tree, dis blessed minute.

I'se hear'd dat a heap o' cullud people never had nothin' good t'eat.

" "Does yer reckon dat watermillun's ripe yit, sah?" said Julius.

"Dey calls you pore, honey," she said softly, "but wen I sees dat bright gole watch and chain I knows better.

So ev'y day atter dat Marse Wash'n'ton's wife 'ud sen' Cindy down by de aidge er de swamp fer ter git fresh roots.

Bis dat Qui citò datMinimi gratia tarda pretî est.

Well she did worry dat pore cretur almost to death.

"I tell you what it is, Letty," said Uncle Isham, when he returned to the kitchen after having carried Lawrence's supper to him, "dat ar Mister Croft in de offis is a gittin wuss an' wuss in he min', ebery day.

En ez I doan want no mo' d'n w'at 's fair 'bout dis thing, ef you'll retch up wid yo' paw en take down dat go'd hangin' on dat peg ober de

" "Dat a great dealquite won'erful, sahberry great deal, and more dan Chloe can say, or I can wish her to say.

150 collocations for  dat