7 collocations for dinting

"Ha, Beltane, canst burn gibbets, storm mighty castles and out-face desperate odds, yet is old Benedict thy master at stroke of sword stillthough, forsooth, hast dinted me my helm, methinks!

The same coquetry of Nature that rippled her hair has dinted her cheeks with shifting dimples.

See here," he said, querulously, "twice have I been stricken at to-dayonce a tile fell from a roof and dinted the crown of my helmet, and the second time a young man struck at my breast with a dagger.

According to varying accounts, he either sank it deep into a poisoned stream, where it is still supposed to lie, or, striking it against the mighty rocks, cleft them in two, without even dinting its bright blade.

"No cheer," he answered, gloomily, dinting his finger-nails into his palm.

he shouted, "UlfWalkynto me!" All about him was a swaying trample of horses and men, an iron ring that hemmed him in, blows dinted his long shield, they rang upon his helmet, they battered his triple mail, they split his shield in sunder; and 'neath this hail of blows Beltane staggered, thrice he was smitten to his knees and thrice he arose, and ever his long blade whirled and darted.

Like a snowdrift is her bed, Dinted the snow, Faint frozen lines from foot to head, She lies below.

7 collocations for  dinting