30 collocations for distancing

But he was borne on the wings of the wind, and soon distanced his pursuers.

Under this title the Marchioness repaired in tears to the school of his selection, from which, as she soon distanced all competitors, she was removed before the lapse of many quarters to one of a higher grade.

Professor Coello easily distanced the rest of us and won the coveted place.

distance; distance oneself from.

It may be, that some of your planters quite distance the old patriarch in obedience to the command to "multiply and replenish the earth."

"I don't wonder you distanced the deputy," he said cheerfully, throwing down his burden, "if you can take the hunting-path like that.

At starting, she tears away at her utmost speed for a mile or more, and distances the dogs halfway; she then turns, diverging a little to the right or left, that she may not run into the mouths of her enemiesa necessity which accounts for what we call the circularity of her course.

He threw his whole energies into his studies with an effect which distanced all his previous efforts.

At last he distanced his enemies.

The American sun overtakes and distances the English by a full month.

In the same way he distanced everybody; every companion-scholar found soon that it was impossible to keep pace with one who was always accumulating and losing nothing.

Didn't Katie agree that a girl who could make her own way distanced the girls who could do nothing but spend their fathers' money?

Some of the noble animals were distanced the first heat, and others were taken away by their owners.

The ostrich moves like the partridge, with this advantage; and I am satisfied that those I am speaking of would have distanced the fleetest race-horses that were ever bred in England.

The stake and the hot iron, and the burning splinters were before his eyes, and he soon distanced the swiftest hunter in pursuit.

The horse was a speedy one, but no creature of bone, blood, muscles and sinews can distance a fire-spitting and smoke-eating machine like a motor cycle.

This strange, wireless telephone was so arranged that a search-light beam could be used for the light path, and distances up to three miles were covered.

By this happy contrivance, the horse will be freed from the degrading necessity of touching the earth at all,thus distancing Mr. Mills by two feet in the race for originality.

It distanced the nightmare of the poor and honest,debt.

Moment by moment he out-distanced the wedge-shaped ripple where the heads of the tired pack bobbed in pursuit; for here, as always in water, the deer held the advantage, being able to float and rest at will while the hound must always ply his forelegs or sink.

In this there was nothing singular but the fact, that he, as yet obscure, distanced a rival of great influence, whose suit was supported by royaltynamely, Mr. Crofts, afterwards Baron Croftsgave rather a romantic and adventurous air to the match.

They carried the thirty-two-pound breech-loaders on fir poles run through the guns and supported on the men's shoulders, faster than our horses could walk, and the artillery rapidly distanced the staff and corps diplomatique, not even a rear guard remaining with us.

The memory of many human actions and lives puts in a plea and promise of a duration that shall distance the sun's, and overlap upon the bright centuries of eternity.

Will her people perhaps distance their western teachers and models.

At last the slave, perceiving that he had quite out-distanced the Absians, dismounted, untied the feet of Dahir, leapt again into the saddle, and galloped off.

30 collocations for  distancing