517 collocations for doubted

I do not for a moment doubt your sincerity, and believe you were yourself convinced of the truth of all you wrote.

" The captain eyed the speaker narrowly, as though half inclined to doubt the truth of this explanation; then, apparently satisfied with the honest expression of the small boy's face, told him to get down to supper.

" "I am sorry even to seem to doubt your word, Oaks," answered the doctor, "

If they did, nobody can doubt the existence of a generous will to relieve them generously.

No one doubts their ability.

Alcippus, by this pause you seem to doubt My Power or Will; in both you are to blame.

We have only each other in this world; pray, dear father, let nothing come between us; let nothing make you doubt the constant love of your daughter.

They even affected to doubt the fact that my father had ever married.

" "I doubt the wisdom of ever hinting such a thing," General Lee said, gravely.

" Duveen's face was inscrutable and Lister wondered whether he doubted his statement.

The master cross-questioned Acton and Diggory, but seemed rather inclined to doubt their story.

At heart I never doubted the reality of the crisis.

" "I never doubted your good faith, Eunané"But she had begun to read, pointing with her finger as she went on.

And not being able to doubt his child's affection for him, he came to believe in Timandra's also.

John was left behind, under the pretence of keeping Denbigh company in his morning avocations, but really because Mrs. Wilson doubted the propriety of his becoming a visiting acquaintance at the house, tenanted as the cottage was represented to be.

"That thou should'st dream Helen pure and faithful and worthy to thy lovethat, doubting thine own senses, thou should'st yearn and sigh to hold her once again, heart on heart" "Ah, Fidelis," quoth Beltane, sighing deep, "why wilt thou awake a sleeping sorrow?

While no literary excellence is claimed for the narrative, it has the greater merit of being truthful, and is verified in such a manner that no one can doubt its veracity.

Personally I preferred a separate treaty, but doubted the possibility of obtaining the assent of the Conference to that plan because some of the delegates showed a feeling of resentment toward certain neutral nations on account of their attitude during the war, while the inclusion of the four powers which had formed the Central Alliance seemed almost out of the question.

Our tent that night was a gloomy place, for I think most of us, for the first time since the campaign opened, began to doubt its ultimate success.

In favour of this view, it has been urged that the shells of the Globigerinoe of the surface never possess such thick walls as those which are fouled at the bottom, but I confess that I doubt the accuracy of this statement.

How, Sir, doubt our Honesty!

At first I doubted the evidence of my own eyes, snatching the bit of flaring candle from its tin socket, and holding it where the full glare of light fell across the grewsome object.

The two men eyed me quietly, then Hexford pointed to my shoeless feet and sternly retorted: "Permit us to doubt your last assertion.

To doubt that is to begin to disbelieve St. Paul's great saying, "In me, that is, in my flesh, dwelleth no good thing."

Jones, especially, as the central figure, could not be mistaken and no one who looked upon the picture could doubt his identity.

517 collocations for  doubted