35 collocations for downe

In this city the marchants diuide themselues into companies, according to their merchandise that they haue, and there either they buy or make a boat to carry them and their goods to Babylon downe the riuer Euphrates, with charge of a master and mariners to conduct the boat in the voyage: these boats are in a maner flat bottomed, yet they be very strong: and for all that they are so strong, they will serue but for one voyage.

But did you marke the Greek Musitians Behind his Chariot, hanging downe their heads, Sham'd and overcome in their professions?

What meate will downe your throat, when you scorne pheasant, partridge, woodcocke & coney?

And when they sit downe all the Carouan vnladeth and sitteth downe, for they know the stations where the wells are.

Ye sacred Fyres and powers aboue, Forge of desires, working loue, Cast downe your eye, cast downe your eye, Vpon a Mayde in miserie.

had you left in France Your whore behind you, in your Table bookes You would have sett downe the streets very name,

I will in briefe set you downe some pretty conclusions, and so I will proceede with other feates in other kindes.

Stand but to'th fate of this, and if it faile I will sitt downe a Convert and renounce All wanton hope hereafter.

"And after that Philosophy had spoken these wordes the said companye of the musys poeticall beynge rebukyd and sad, caste downe their countenaunce to the grounde, and by blussyng confessed their shamefastnes, and went out of the dores.

Your hastie marriage hath writ downe his death, And thy proud words shall scale it with thy breath.

Which done, they goe round about the cowe and calfe, and then they giue somewhat to the poore which be alwayes there, and to the Bramane or priest they giue the cowe and calfe, and afterward goe to diuers of their idoles and offer money, and lie downe flat vpon the ground and kisse it diuers times, and then goe their way.

I went from Basora to Ormus downe the gulfe of Persia in a certaine shippe made of bourdes, and sowed together with cayro, which is threede made of the huske of Cocoes, and certaine canes or strawe leaues sowed vpon the seames of the bordes which is the cause that they leake very much.

Rud. Ease in his paine quoth you, has good lucke if he feele ease in paine, I thinke, but wood any asse in the World ride downe such a Hill as High-gate is, in such a frost as this, and never light.

[Flings downe her lap full of Petitions.

That in the Gardin of Adonis springs, Is wicked Time; who with his scythe addrest Does mow the flowring herbes and goodly things, And all their glory to the ground downe flings, Where they do wither and are fowly mard He flyes about, and with his flaggy wings Beates downe both leaves and buds without regard, Ne ever pitty may relent his malice hard.

The saide Joseph went homewards, and goeing homeward met Samuell Bellden ridinge into or downe the meadow.

Lay downe 20 oathes, and see if Ile not take them.

By their ore-grow'th of some complextion[10] Oft breaking downe the pales and forts of reason Or by some habit, that too much ore-leauens The forme of plausiue manners, that these men Carrying I say the stamp of one defect Being Natures liuery, or Fortunes starre, His vertues els be they as pure as grace, As infinite as man may vndergoe, Shall in the generall censure take corruption From that particuler fault: the dram of eale[20]

The lustie Stag, conductor of the traine, Leads all the heard in order downe the plaine; The baser rascals[101] scatter here and there As not presuming to approach so neere.

Come, come; putt of your Jelousy, Drinke downe the remembrance.

And let her flert and fling, Till downe the Rocks she ding, For that I care not'; the song then breaking off into gamesome anapaests: The gentle winds sally Upon every Valley, And many times dally And wantonly sport, About the fields tracing, Each other in chasing, And often imbracing, In amorous sort.

She has coniurd downe my spirit: these are immodest devills that make modest ladyes become strickers.

And fast beside these trickled softly downe A gentle streame, whose murmuring wave did play

Portugales prisoners, of which we daily saw some going vp and downe the streetes of Bantam like slaues and captiues.

[Sidenote: our cull-cold] There on the pendant boughes, her Coronet weeds Clambring to hang; an enuious sliuer broke,[20] When downe the weedy Trophies, and her selfe, [Sidenote: her weedy]

35 collocations for  downe