5 collocations for driveth

Behold the hand which governs everything takes the wheel from his chariot, so that he who driveth, driveth on heavily.

Isis embraceth thee in peace, and she driveth away the fiends from the mouth of thy paths.

Strong liquor driveth the fool, and moves even the heart of the wise, moves and impels him to sing and to dance, and break forth in pleasant laughters, and perchance to prefer a speech too which were better kept in.

This being done, he driveth the soul yet farther, and filleth it with prejudices against God and his glorious truths; and from this he can easily bring them to call all in question.

He cutteth off the hair from Horus and Set, he driveth away storm from the helpless, and he keepeth away harm from the spirits (KHU).

5 collocations for  driveth